City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Redevelopment Authority  
Thursday, March 24, 2022  
4:00 PM  
Black River Beach House or LIfesize  
Call to Order  
Chair Adam Hatfield called the meeting to order at 4:02pm.  
Roll Call  
4 - Andrea Richmond, Edward R Przytarski, Michael Sigman,Adam Hatfield  
3 - Karen Dunn, John Kovari,Gus Fimple  
Approval of Minutes of February 24, 2022 Meeting.  
A motion was made by Richmond, seconded by Sigman, that this be ADOPT  
ACTIONS BY SINGLE VOTE. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $3,890,000 Interim  
Redevelopment Revenue Bond, Series 2022 and Approving Related  
Documents and Transactions.  
A motion was made by Richmond, seconded by Przytarski, that this Resolution  
be ADOPTED. The motion carried by Roll Call vote.  
3 - Dunn, Kovari,Fimple  
Presentation and possible action on Ehlers Investment Advisory Services.  
A motion was made by Richmond, seconded by Przytarski, that this Resolution  
be ADOPTED. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Consideration and possible action to close out the RFP for Redevelopment  
Authority Financial Services.  
A motion was made by Richmond, seconded by Sigman, that this Resolution  
be ADOPTED. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Operating Budget Update.  
Request of the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department to remove  
invasive and undesirable species from portions of The River Point District.  
A motion was made by Przytarski, seconded by Sigman, that this Request be  
APPROVED. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Discussion on The River Point District PDD Document and Future Plan  
Review Process.  
March 2022 - Monthly update from WiRED Properties on River Point District.  
John Kavari joins the meeting in person at 4:48pm.  
A motion was made by Richmond, Seconded by Kovari to approve the  
Template for the First Amendment to the Planning Option Agreement, pending  
legal review. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Consideration and possible action on request to amend Planning Option  
Agreement with F Street Group.  
A motion was made by Richmond, seconded by Kovari for closed session. The  
motion carried by Roll Call Vote.  
A motion was made by Richmond, seconded by Kovari for open session. The  
motion carried by voice vote.  
F Street Group Conversation will be continued in the April meeting.  
Direction given to staff to move forward to put out an RFP or seek out a local  
Presentation by CBRE.  
This item was not addressed.  
Consideration and possible action on CBRE Contract Renewal.  
This item was not addressed.  
Update on future meeting location.  
A motion was made by Richmond, Seconded by Kovari to adjourn meeting.  
The motion passed by voice vote at 5:58pm.