City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Redevelopment Authority  
Thursday, June 29, 2023  
4:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Call to Order  
Chair Adam Hatfield called the meeting to order at 4:00pm.  
Roll Call  
5 -  
Barb Janssen, Edward R Przytarski, Michael Sigman, Adam Hatfield,Julie  
2 - Karen Dunn,Gus Fimple  
Approval of Minutes from the May 25, 2023 meeting.  
A motion was made by Janssen, seconded by Przytarski, that these minutes be  
APPROVED. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Election of Officers  
A motion was made by Janssen, seconded by Przytarski, to nominate Adam  
Hatfield as the Chair. There were no other nominations. The vote carried by  
voice vote.  
A motion was made by Przytarski, seconded by Henline to nominate Janssen  
as the Vice Chair. There were no other nominations. The vote carried by  
voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Presentation from RyKey on conceptual design.  
A motion was made by Janssen, seconded by Henline, that staff is to move  
forward with this development plan. The motion carried by voice vote.  
June 2023- Monthly Report from River Point District Project Manager.  
Review of property owned by the Redevelopment Authority outside of River  
Point District.  
A motion was made by Przytarski, seconded by Janssen, that staff move  
forward with transfer of remnant property from the 7th Street extension project  
to the City. The motion carried by voice vote.  
June 2023 - Monthly Financial Update.  
Approval to sign contract with Xcel Energy and process payment for New Gas  
Distribution Facilities at River Point District.  
A motion was made by Janssen, seconded by Henline, that the RDA will pay  
the remaining portion of this invoice. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Przytarski abstaining.  
A motion was made by Przytarski, seconded by Janssen that the meeting be  
adjourned. The motion carried by voice vote.