City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Human Rights Commission  
Wednesday, April 13, 2022  
5:15 PM  
City Hall Eagle Room  
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Call to Order  
Littlejohn called the meeting to order at 5:24 pm.  
Roll Call  
6 -  
Tracy Littlejohn, Julia McDermid, A Xiong, Mac Kiel, Kristen  
Ringgenberg,Kristen Lettner  
1 - Tashyra Bernard  
1 - Chelsey Myhre-Foster  
Approval of Minutes  
Ringgenberg motioned to approve the minutes, McDermid seconded. The  
motion carried by a voice vote.  
Notices and Discussion  
Tim Koterski shared that the Racial Equity Team is working on internal and external  
surveys of 15 questions each; will share draft when ready. Bee Xiong will get Hmong  
Loretta LaPoint shared that REACH is hosting a nonprofit job fair on 4/16-17. It will  
serve as drop off for donations for Houska Park un-housed citizens.  
Agenda Items:  
Election of Officers  
Kiel declined offer to chair, so Littlejohn will be chairperson. McDermid nominated  
Xiong for vice chairperson.  
McDermid motioned to elect Xiong as vice chairperson. Kiel seconded. The  
motion carried by a voice vote.  
Discussion on City Participation in Juneteenth Event  
McDermid mentioned the free meal last year and asked if the City could sponsor the  
meal and volunteer in serving it. LaPoint said the cost of food would be higher than  
last year due to inflation, so should the donation. Littlejohn asked if there would be a  
separate request to the Board of Parks Commissioners, but staff suggested  
coordinating one contribution from the City as a whole. McDermid suggested the HRC  
table and prepare an information board; could split into shifts from 12-8pm. Littlejohn  
can put together a table and McDermid can take care of the board. Shaundel Spivey  
said food will be provided by 5 black-owned vendors, and the first 50 meals from each  
vendor would be free. The total estimated cost was $3,000 for those meals. City did  
not sponsor last year.  
Kiel motioned to recommend the City sponsor up to $5,000 for Juneteenth,  
seconded by Ringgenberg. The motion carried by a voice vote.  
Discussion on Fair Housing Complaint Application Improvements  
Xiong suggested the form could ask more about complainants self-identification, to  
help HRC figure out which groups are facing discrimination most frequently. McDermid  
said people need to understand the difference between a bad landlord and  
discrimination; more questions could help determine that, and connect the dots  
between the basis of the discrimination and the statement. The form should have  
"discrimination" in the title or header. Explanatory paragraphs from the webpage could  
be added to the form. Lettner suggested giving a clear example when discrimination  
has occurred, and a one when it hasn't; that maybe not appropriate or leading.  
McDermid suggested making sure they answer questions about what, how, and why  
discrimination occurred. Kiel asked if the complainant could share a first draft before  
its submitted. Lettner suggested putting the rubric on the form, too (it's under the  
HRC page's important links); also make clear that the purpose of the form is to report  
discrimination--"Why has the landlord targeted you our your group? What proof can you  
provide that this has happened to you and not others/other groups? Be prepared to  
provide evidence or witness from protected class with supporting examples." McDermid  
suggested putting suggestions in a shared document for editing. She also mentioned  
reminding complainants about assistance available to help in filling out the form.  
Lettner suggested there be an intake process. LaPoint is interested in how that would  
look and what REACH could do to assist. Littlejohn suggested that the complainant  
be notified that the form is received, and staff review it for clarity and content, and  
ensure that they are prepared for the hearing. McDermid suggested adding part about  
contacting staff for guidance, like a phone interview of critical elements before  
submitting forms. Xiong, Littlejohn, and LaPoint volunteered to review and edit form.  
Planning for Town Hall w/ Elected Officials  
LaPoint suggested a town hall on fair housing complaints and guidance for recourse for  
online renter forum. Littlejohn suggested taking lead from Hope Restores and wait for  
strategic planning before HRC does it's own. McDermid agreed and suggested  
listening for what actions City could take based on town hall input.  
Discussion on Civil Rights Dept. - Subcommittee  
McDermid had discussion with Jacqui Marcou about department and asked what a  
resolution should include. Staff suggested it could be broad to direct staff to do work  
that HRC can't. GARE may offer some advice on how to for a dept. LaPoint offered to  
join subcommittee.  
Strategic Planning  
Staff will send out SWOT as sharable document for edits between meetings and  
discussion at next meeting.  
Next Meeting and Agenda Items  
The next meeting is 5/11. Agenda items may include follow up on above items.  
Littlejohn adjourned the meeting at 6:55 pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.