City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Climate Action Plan Steering Committee  
Thursday, January 20, 2022  
4:30 PM  
LifeSize Virtual Meeting Room  
In efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19, this meeting will be conducted through video conferencing.  
The meeting can be viewed by clicking this link (or typing the URL in your web browser address bar):  
If you wish to speak on an agenda item, you can do so as part of the virtual meeting. Contact the Planning  
& Development Department at the email or phone number below so we can provide you with the  
necessary information to join in.  
Members of the public who would like to provide written comments on any agenda may do so by emailing, using a drop box outside of City Hall or mailing the Planning & Development  
Department, 400 La Crosse Street, La Crosse WI 54601. Questions, call 608-789-7361.  
Call to Order  
Mindel called the meeting to order at 4:32 pm.  
Roll Call  
5 -  
Dorothy Lenard, Cathy Van Maren, Casey Meehan, Susanna  
Hanson,Mackenzie Mindel  
Approval of Minutes  
Meehan motioned to approve the minutes, Lenard seconded. The motion  
carried by a voice vote.  
Notices and Discussion  
Van Maren shared information about Transit Equity Days the week of 1/31-2/4.  
Agenda Items:  
Accept Code of Ethics  
The Committee accepted the code of ethics.  
Discussion on Climate Action Plan Artwork  
Staff laid out options to reissue call for artists or have paleBLUEdot hire graphic  
designer, and indicated a preference for the latter option. Van Maren suggested  
engaging professors and teachers to get students to submit, outside of class work.  
Staff reiterated the purpose of the artwork is to engage public in responding to survey  
or climate stories, as well as think about climate action plan solutions.  
Committee consensus was to reissue call to artists due 2/11.  
Recap of 2/18 CAP Team Introductory Meeting  
Hanson was pleased with locals involved on consulting team. Van Maren was  
impressed with the ability and background of those involved on the team. Lenard  
needed some tech assistance for unlocking spreadsheet boxes on the subcommittee  
sign up sheet; Meehan suggested switch from "view" to "edit" and looking at the  
formula bar to read descriptions.  
Partners in Energy Implementation January Update  
Postcards have not gone out yet for business energy surveys. Van Maren reminded  
everyone about the fields to enter who is reaching out to which business, media  
source, or organization about the program. Staff will resend documents when the  
postcards are sent out.  
Next Meeting / Agenda Items  
The next meeting will be 2/17 with 2 CAP Team meetings in between for the  
vulnerability assessment. Agenda items may include artist proposals, CAP Team  
meeting recaps, and PiE outreach and engagement updates.  
Mindel adjourned the meeting at 5:03 pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.