City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee  
Tuesday, January 10, 2023  
8:30 AM  
Council Chambers- City Hall- 400 La Crosse St  
Members of the public will be able to attend the meeting in person in the Council Chambers at  
City Hall located at 400 La Crosse St in La Crosse, or online via video conferencing with the  
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Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 8:31am.  
Roll Call  
6 -  
Robert Young, Jeff Fennie, Larry Sleznikow, Stephanie Sward, Randi  
Pueschner,Cory Brandyl  
2 - Grace Janssen,Nicolette Kvam  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the December 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes.  
Randi Pueschner moved to approve the minutes. Robert Young seconded.  
Robert Young provided staff with a correction to agenda item #3. The motion  
passed 5-0 by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Amended Resolution approving a Wisconsin Department of Transportation -  
Transportation Alternatives Program State/Municipal Grant Agreement to  
construct the Wagon Wheel Trail.  
Staff provided a summary of the purpose of the resolution and an update on  
the project. Robbie Young asked for clarification on the change in the  
resolution. CM Neumann stated it was a minor wording change for clarity on  
funding responsibilities. CM Neumann asked staff if the possibility of a  
protected bike path over Cass St or Cameron St bridge was part of the project.  
Staff stated it is not part of the Wagon Wheel Trail project. Robbie Young  
moved to approve the resolution. Stephanie Sward seconded. The motion  
passed 6-0 by voice vote.  
Discussion on the RAISE Grant Program and possible grant projects.  
Staff provided a summary of possible RAISE Grant opportunity. Jackie  
Eastwood from the LAPC stated that you cannot use federal funds to match  
federal funds. Staff stated they talked with coordinator of the grant who  
indicated we could use both funds. Staff indicated they would look into this  
again and contact WisDOT. Randi Pueschner stated this project is a priority for  
the Wisconsin Bike Fed and they might be willing to help with funding. Staff  
stated that there was interest from Minnesota to help with funding as well.  
Stephanie Sward stated that the minimum for an urban area $4 million. Staff  
clarified that La Crosse urbanized area is considered rural per this grant which  
means our minimum is $1 million. Stephanie Sward asked to clarify the  
deadline. Staff stated the deadline is February 28, 2023. CM Sleznikow stated it  
would be a good idea to ask other departments if they are applying and if they  
have good ideas for projects. Robbie Young asked when the deadline for  
finding grant opportunities for the Wagon Wheel Trail would be. Staff stated  
grant money for construction could be applied for in 2024 and 2025, but design  
will be under a tighter deadline as we lead up to 2026 construction.  
Review of Request For Expressions of Interest (RFEI) and Development of a  
Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan  
Staff provided an update on RFEI submittals. CM Sleznikow asked what the  
timeline for the RFP submission would be. Staff clarified they would suggest  
about a 3-4 weeks for firms to complete and submit a proposal. Staff asked  
committee members if there is anything that stood out in the RFEIs that they  
want to incorporate in the RFP. Randi Pueschner asked if the RFP should  
include specific examples or be more vague regarding the scope of work. Staff  
stated if there is something specific that we want then we should include it in  
the RFP. Randi Pueschner stated she wanted to add more specifics about  
data-driven analysis and safety analysis including Streetlight, Replica, or  
Strava. Randi Peuschner said she also was wondering about the NACTO  
guidelines and said one RFEI said we should expand on it. Staff stated they  
have to check with WisDOT about regulations of grant and if they are able to  
expand on that. CM Sleznikow said a concern about NACTO was that some of  
the infrastructure already in the City would have to be adjusted. CM Sleznikow  
suggested adding an approach to active living and 8-80 approach to the RFP  
scope of work. CM Sleznikow suggested going through the RFP page by page  
to for the commission to suggest edits. CM Sleznikow, Stephanie Sward, and  
Randi Peuschner, and Jackie Eastwood had suggested edits to update  
potential partners. Stephanie Sward suggested providing the file cloud link on  
request for digital submissions. Staff stated they planned on digital submission  
only and commission members agreed with this form of submission. Robbie  
Young brought up a question from one of the RFEIs about the requirements to  
be in compliance with Wisconsin DOT requirements. Robbie Young asked if the  
City is limiting itself due to this requirement. Staff said they believe it is a  
requirement of Wisconsin DOT grant the City received for the update for this  
plan. Francis Schelfout from Wisconsin DOT said he is not sure if this is a  
requirement. Staff said they would look further into this. CM Sleznikow  
suggested going through and editing public involvement phase organizations  
so they are up-to-date. Stephanie Sward suggested adding the Traffic Calming  
Policy to 2.1.3 of existing plans. Robbie Young stated the RFEI would be a  
helpful resource for updating existing plans and organizations. CM Sleznikow  
asked if the scoring of selection process was standard for the city. Staff stated  
scoring is pretty standard City-wide. CM Sleznikow asked why qualifications  
had such a high ranking over the actual proposal. Staff said it is important to  
have a lot of weight in qualifications because they might be specialized. Staff  
stated they are open to suggestions for changing scoring as well. Randi  
Pueschner stated she wanted to keep the scoring as is because it was  
consistent with federal proposals. CM Sleznikow said he agreed. Robbie Young  
asked if a proposed table of contents is a standard in an RFP. Staff said the last  
Bike Ped Plan had a table of contents but it is not required. Members of the  
Committee agreed to take out the table of contents in the RFP. CM Sleznikow  
asked for a motion for approval of the edited RFP document. No committee  
members motioned to approve. Staff recommended a special meeting to  
review and possibly approve the full edited document later in the week. A  
special meeting was set for Friday, January 13, 2023 at 8:30 am.  
The meeting was adjourned at 9:57am.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Members:  
CM Larry Sleznikow, Cory Brandyl, Grace Janssen, Jeff Fennie, Nicolette Kvam, Randi  
Pueschner, Robert Young, Stephanie Sward