City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Board of Public Works  
Monday, October 30, 2023  
10:00 AM  
Council Chambers  
City Hall, First Floor  
Call to Order  
Mayor Reynolds called the meeting to order at 10:03AM.  
Roll Call  
5 -  
Andrea Trane, Matt Gallager, Mitch Reynolds, Rebecca Schwarz,Tamra  
Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Trane, seconded by Schwarz, to APPROVE the minutes  
of October 16, 2023. The motion carried unanimously.  
Agenda Items:  
Construction Contract Change Orders  
A motion was made by Trane, seconded by Dickinson, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried unanimously.  
Bidder's Proof of Responsibility  
A motion was made by Trane, seconded by Dickinson, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried unanimously.  
Charter SPP request for Communications in ROW on the 400 and 500 blocks  
of Wood Street  
A motion was made by Gallager, seconded by Schwarz, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried unanimously.  
Charter SPP request for Communications in ROW at 4500 Brickyard Lane  
A motion was made by Dickinson, seconded by Schwarz, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried unanimously.  
1908 - 1920 Campbell Road SPP request for Misc. Items in Right of Way  
A motion was made by Gallager, seconded by Dickinson, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried unanimously.  
Consideration and possible action on sale of City-owned properties on Kinney  
Coulee Rd, parcels 17-10575-63 & 17-10575-64.  
(Note: The Committee and/or Council may convene in closed session  
pursuant to Wis. Stat. 19.85(1)(e) to formulate & update negotiation strategies  
and parameters. Following such closed session, the Committees and/or  
Council may reconvene in open session.)  
A motion was made by Trane, seconded by Schwarz, to APPROVE. The motion  
carried unanimously.  
Meeting was adjourned at 10:19AM.