City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Economic and Community Development Commission  
Wednesday, February 28, 2024  
3:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Call to Order  
Mayor Reynolds called this meeting to order at 3:01 PM.  
Roll Call  
7 -  
Douglas Happel, Linda Lee, Chris Kahlow, Vicki Markussen, Mitch  
Reynolds, Colin Walsh,Gina Miller  
Approval of Minutes from the January 24th, 2024 meeting.  
A motion was made by Lee, seconded by Happel that these minutes be  
APPROVED. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
Agenda Items:  
Consideration and possible action on Request for Proposals for former South  
Community Library at 1307 16th Street South.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Lee that the Request for Proposal  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Happel to extend the deadline  
from March 20th, 2024 to April 17th, 2024. Voice vote carried as follows,  
Kahlow, Happel, Walsh, Lee, Miller, Markussen: YES. Mayor Reynolds: NO.  
Motion carries.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Lee to strike 1.4A completely.  
Voice vote carried as follows, Kahlow, Markussen, Walsh, Lee, Miller: YES.  
Mayor Reynolds and Happel: NO. Motion carries.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Lee that the Request for Proposal  
be APPROVED. Voice vote carried as follows, Kahlow, Happel, Walsh, Lee and  
Miller: YES. Mayore Reynolds: NO. Markussen abstained. Motion APPROVED.  
Consideration and Possible Action on Affordable Housing Revolving Loan  
Program Development Agreement with The Collective on 4th  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Lee that this agreement be  
APPROVED. Voice vote carried unanimously. Miller abstained.  
Consideration and possible action approving the release of a Request For  
Proposals for ARPA Funding for Small Business Organizations.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Lee that this request for proposal  
be APPROVED. Voice vote carried unanimously, Markussen abstained.  
Consideration and Possible Action on Extension Request from WWBIC for  
Revolving Loan Fund  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Lee that this item be REFERRED  
for 30 days. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
Mayor Reynolds adjourned this meeting at 3:37 PM.  
Economic and Community Development Commission Members:  
Mayor Mitch Reynolds, Chris Kahlow, Doug Happel, Colin Walsh, Linda Lee, Gina  
Miller, & Vicki Markussen.