City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee  
Tuesday, May 10, 2022  
8:30 AM  
Council Chambers- City Hall- 400 La Crosse St  
Members of the public will be able to attend the meeting in person in the Council Chambers at  
City Hall  
located at 400 La Crosse St in La Crosse, or online via video conferencing with the links below.  
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Call to Order  
The meeting was called order to 8:30am.  
Roll Call  
6 -  
Robert Young, Jeff Fennie, Larry Sleznikow, Stephanie Sward, Randi  
Pueschner,Cory Brandyl  
2 - Grace Janssen,Nicolette Kvam  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the April 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes.  
Randi Pueschner moved to approve the minutes. Robert Young seconded. The  
motion passed 6-0 by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Discussion and possible action on Resolution approving funding for the La  
Crosse Drift Bike Share Program.  
Staff stated that their was existing funding remaining from a previous capital  
budget allocation that the subject ordinance is requesting to use as a match for  
a Carbon Reduction Grant application submittal. Ordinance will likely have to  
go to Council for approval. Projects will need to be encumbered this year but  
will have a year to be completed. The funding will be used for an additional  
infrastructure. Application was already submittal. Jackie Eastwood stated that  
the applications are being ranked by the LAPC. Only four applications have  
been submitted. Likely all be will be able to be funded provided that the local  
share is committed. Robbie Young moved to approve the Resolution.  
Stephanie Sward seconded. The motion passed 6-0 by voice vote..  
Update on Drift Share Program.  
Jacob Sciammas stated that another Resolution is going to the Common  
Council for funding of the program. Looking to get a full-time person to run  
rather than volunteers. Equipment is being maintained. Rides are longer. More  
users. Jacob shared user data with the Committee that included calories  
burned, carbon reduction that occurred, and miles ridden. Robbie Young asked  
about the new app that was developed for this program. Jacob stated that they  
were excited about it and will be extremely helpful to users. Includes info to  
help users with service issues if they are stranded on the trails.  
Update on ADA Transition Plan.  
Cullen gave an update on the planning process. Started back in December  
2021. Consultant meet with several departments. Currently working on a survey  
for the city and gathering data on existing city facilities. Staff asked how the  
Committee can be more involved in this process. Cullen suggested to  
participating in the survey when it is sent out. CM Sleznikow stated that he  
serves as the council member on that committee and they are very committed  
to their purpose. Jackie Eastwood stated that she would be interested in  
knowing how much business is lost due to inadequate ADA facilities.  
Update on Complete Streets Projects 2022. Proposed 2023.  
Jamie Hassemer provided an update to the Committee as well as a table that  
depicted all of the current projects.Jamie stated that some projects may be  
able to be adjusted depending on how far along they are. Jamie stated that he  
would like to have comments no later than December for 2023 projects. Robbie  
asked if the complete streets resolution does not ask what streets need to be  
complete but more that streets being replaced incorporate complete street  
strategies. Jamie stated that he was correct. Staff stated that they will send the  
table to the Committee and requested that they look at the 2023 projects and  
bring back any feedback and comments to the June meeting.  
Updates on grant opportunities & future projects/applications.  
Staff provided a spreadsheet of all bicycle and pedestrian related projects from  
multiple city plans to the Committee. Staff is requesting assistance from the  
Committee on providing feedback on updating the table with what has been  
completed, is still relevant and needs to be done, or is no longer relevant. Staff  
stated that this table will be helpful with applying for grants. Jackie Eastwood  
asked that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Plan from 2015 be incorporated  
into the table.  
Update and participation on the Comprehensive Plan.  
Staff provided an overview on what a comprehensive plan is and the City's  
current efforts on updating it. Staff directed them to the website and  
opportunities for public engagement and comment. Staff also stated that they  
would like this Committee to be involved in the Transportation Element which  
would then likely evolve in to an update to the existing Bicycle and Pedestrian  
Master Plan. Randi asked if the feedback left in the interactive map going to be  
the priorities. Staff stated that this was only one tool to gather information, it  
will not be the sole tool to establish goals and objectives.  
Call for June Meeting Items.  
Suggestions included an update comp plan, grant applications,  
updates/feedback on the project tables, and an updates on projects happening  
or completed.  
The meeting was adjourned at 9:42am.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.