City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Human Rights Commission  
Wednesday, February 9, 2022  
5:15 PM  
To keep the public safe, this meeting is being held virtually only. E-mail if  
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Call to Order  
Littlejohn called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm.  
Roll Call  
8 -  
Tracy Littlejohn, Julia McDermid, A Xiong, Chauncy M Turner, Chelsey  
Myhre-Foster, Mac Kiel, Tashyra Bernard,Kristen Ringgenberg  
Approval of Minutes  
Xiong motioned to approve the minutes, McDermid seconded. The motion  
carried by a voice vote.  
Notices and Discussion  
The Racial Equity Team is gathering information on what a racial equity plan would  
look like, including surveying community partners and of City service providers. For  
the Comprehensive Plan, the Plan Commission is reviewing logos and negotiating a  
contract for consulting services.  
Agenda Items:  
REACH Introduction - Loretta LaPoint  
LaPoint talked about REACH and her work. It's a collaboration of organizations in a  
referral-based resource center (customers are sent to organizations in-house) for  
housing, rental assistance, mental health therapy, services for veterans, and shared  
office space. They are working to get more organizations to help with tenant and  
landlord mediations. LaPoint is looking into RentSmart training (Littlejohn is a trainer)  
and is open to any other suggestions. The Governor will be visiting on 2/10.  
Fair Housing Complaint - Danielle Richards v. Katelynn Mettille -  
Determination whether the complaint alleges sufficient facts that if true, relief  
could be granted and therefore whether complaint is actionable.  
McDermid observed the narrative did not explain how the complainant was  
discriminated on the basis of sex. The City needs to do a better job of defining  
discrimination before a citizen fills out the form, asking key questions like "What took  
place?" and "What happened to make you feel that way?" Updating the form is later  
on the agenda.  
McDermid made a motion to dismiss the complaint, Turner seconded. The  
motion carried on a voice vote. The Commission has jurisdiction over the  
complaint and essential elements of the requirements of section 22-24(a) were  
met, but there is insufficient facts in the complaint to determine discrimination.  
Accept Code of Ethics  
Littlejohn asked if an advocate could be used if a person couldn't afford a lawyer in  
Sec. 2-130(e). Right of representation. Littlejohn also asked for clarification in Sec.  
2-132(5). For example, if she abstained from a Board of Parks Commissioners action  
for an annual event, could she advocated for that event in the future when she was no  
longer on the BPC. The commissioners withheld their acceptance of the Code of  
Ethics until they could get clarification.  
Planning for Town Hall w/ Elected Officials  
Hope Restores is hosting a town hall on housing; their next one will be on black-owned  
businesses. McDermid suggested the HRC's town halls could compliment Hope  
Restores'. Suggestions for a town hall meeting topic can be e-mailed to staff.  
Discussion on Civil Rights Dept. - Subcommittee  
Staff shared on meeting with Madison's Civil Rights Dept. Director; will look into how  
their HRC interacts with the dept. McDermid, Myhre-Foster, and Xiong volunteered to  
form a subcommittee to outline a proposal for a Civil Rights Dept. Include rest of HRC  
on communiques.  
Discussion on Fair Housing Complaint Application Improvements  
LaPoint asked for the link to the form and website. Xiong and McDermid worked with  
Nesha and Brandon on a website. Xiong will reach out to pick up where they left off.  
Website should offer contact information for assistance to fill out form, among other  
resources (fair housing professional, Legal Action of WI La Crosse Area office)  
Next Meeting / Agenda Items  
The next meeting will be March 9th. Agenda items may include clarification on the  
code of ethics, town hall ideas, Civil Rights Dept. proposal, and form/website  
Xiong motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:47pm, Ringgenberg seconded. The  
motion carried by a voice vote.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.