City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Judiciary & Administration Committee  
Tuesday, December 5, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
City Hall, First Floor  
Call To Order  
Chair Mindel called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  
Roll Call  
7 -  
Chris Kahlow, Chris Woodard, Jenasea Hameister, Jennifer Trost, Mac Kiel,  
Mackenzie Mindel,Tamra Dickinson  
Agenda Items:  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Subsection 115-110 of the Code of Ordinances of  
the City of La Crosse by transferring certain property from the Special Multiple  
Dwelling District to the Planned Development District - General allowing for  
construction of approximately 14 2-bedroom homes at 5917 River Run Rd.  
A motion was made by Woodard, seconded by Dickinson, that the Ordinance  
be RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
AN ORDINANCE to create Article XIX and to make various changes in  
Chapter 115 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of La Crosse regarding  
short term rentals.  
Unanimous consent to OPEN public hearing.  
The following spoke: Tina Schumaker, John Hotvedt, Maureen Freedland,  
Jaime Ladsten, Natalie Doerfler, Chris Doerfler, Richard Reynertson, Spencer  
Nickelatti, Rachael Mahairas, Thomas Garibaldi, Joe Leinfelder.  
Unanimous consent to CLOSE public hearing.  
A motion was made by Trost, seconded by Kahlow that the Ordinance be  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Woodard, that the Ordinance  
be DIVIDED (Article XIX relating to Short-Term Rentals and Chapter 115 relating  
to Bed & Breakfasts). The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Kiel,Mindel  
2 - Trost,Dickinson  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Kahlow that Ordinance  
relating to Chapter 115 be RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Trost, that the Chapter 115  
portion be amended per the 10.30.2023 Amended Ordinance. The motion  
carried unanimously.  
A motion was made by Woodard, seconded by Kahlow to amend Chapter 115  
as proposed in the 11.9.2023 Amended Ordinance. Unanimous consent to  
withdraw the motion as the 11.9.2023 amendment did not include any changes  
to 115 that were not included in the 10.30 amendment.  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Kahlow to amend Chapter 115  
as proposed in the 12.4.2023 Amended Ordinance. Unanimous consent to  
withdraw the motion as the 12.4.2023 amendment did not include any changes  
to 115 that were not included in the 10.30 amendment.  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Kiel, that the Ordinance  
(Chapter 115 portion) be RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED. The  
motion carried unanimously.  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Woodard, that the Ordinance  
relating to Article XIX be RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED.  
A motion was made by Woodard, seconded by Hameister, that Article XIX be  
AMENDED per the 11.9.2023 Amended Ordinance.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Woodard, that the Ordinance be  
DIVIDED for separate roll call votes on amendments to sections 10-938(e),  
10-938(f), 10-939(a)(2), 10-939(a)(3), and 10-939(a)(8). The motion carried on a  
vote of 6-1 (No - Hameister).  
On roll call vote, the 11.9.2023 amendment for 10-938(e) failed on a vote of 1-6  
(No - Kahlow, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel, Dickinson).  
On roll call vote, the 11.9.2023 amendment for 10-938(f) failed on a vote of 1-6  
(No - Kahlow, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel, Dickinson).  
On roll call vote, the 11.9.2023 amendment for 10-939(a)(2) carried on a vote of  
5-2 (No - Hameister, Mindel).  
A motion was made by Hameister to AMEND to change "30 miles" to  
"Wisconsin" in section 10-939(a)(2). Motion failed for lack of second.  
On roll call vote, the 11.9.2023 amendment for 10-939(a)(3), carried on a vote of  
5-2 (No - Hameister, Mindel).  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Kiel, to AMEND section 10-939(a)  
(8) of the 11.9.2023 amended ordinance to change "properties" to "owners" and  
to change "residents" to "owners." The motion carried on a vote of 4-3 (No -  
Hameistser, Trost, Dickinson).  
A motion was made by Kahlow that the Ordinance be RECOMMENDED TO BE  
ADOPTED 10-939(a)(8) as amended. The motion carried on a vote of 4-3 (No -  
Hameister, Trost, Dickinson).  
A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Kahlow, that the Ordinance be  
AMENDED per the changes to 10-939(a) as proposed in the 12.4.2023 Amended  
Ordinance. The motion carried unanimously.  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Kiel, that the changes to  
carried on a vote of 6-0 (Abstention - Dickinson).  
Resolution granting various license applications pursuant to Chapter 10,  
Articles XIII, XIV, and XVIII of the La Crosse Municipal Code for the 2024  
license period (Public Vehicle for Hire, Horse-Drawn Vehicle, Pedicabs and  
Pedal Cars).  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Woodard, that the Application be  
on 12/14/2023. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
Various license applications pursuant to Chapters 4, 6, and/or 10 of the La  
Crosse Municipal Code for the license period 2023-2024 (December).  
A motion was made by Dickinson, seconded by Kahlow, that the Applications  
be APPROVED. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
AN ORDINANCE to create Chapter 40, Article VII regarding property owner  
notification and administrative fees in connection with vacations of public way.  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Kahlow, that the Ordinance be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
6 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
1 - Trost  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Section 115-390(1)d.3. and to create Section  
115-405 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Crosse to allow  
accessory dwelling units.  
Unanimous consent to OPEN public hearing.  
The following spoke: Darrin Wasniewski, Kristin Lettner, Bill Harnden.  
Unanimous consent to CLOSE public hearing.  
A motion was made by Trost, seconded by Kiel that the Ordinance by  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Hameister, that the Ordinance be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE RE-REFERRED 60 days (with recommendation to staff to  
conduct two community engagement hearings). The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
4 - Kahlow, Hameister, Kiel,Dickinson  
1 - Trost  
2 - Woodard,Mindel  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Subsection 115-110 of the Code of Ordinances of  
the City of La Crosse by transferring certain property from the Traditional  
Neighborhood Development District - General to the Traditional Neighborhood  
Development District - Specific allowing for a multifamily residential building  
with a community service facility at 410 and 414 Mississippi St, 1107, 1113,  
1117, 1119, 1123, 1125 and 1127 4th St. S., and 403 and 409-411 Jackson  
A motion was made by Trost, seconded by Woodard, that the Ordinance be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
Resolution approving application of Kwik Trip Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit  
at 2622 Rose St., allowing for demolition of structure for future development  
with a portion to be used for employee parking.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Dickinson, that the Application be  
a PMSA be signed and submitted prior to 12/14/2023) to the Common Council  
on 12/14/2023. The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 - Kahlow, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
1 - Woodard  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Subsection 115-110 of the Code of Ordinances of  
the City of La Crosse by transferring certain property from the Local Business  
District and the Single Family Residence District to the Commercial District  
allowing for remodel and additions to current retail store, new fueling system  
and pumps, and a new parking area at 921 and 925 Losey Blvd. S.  
A motion was made by Trost, seconded by Dickinson, that the Ordinance be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
1 - Kahlow  
1 - Woodard  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Subsection 115-110 of the Code of Ordinances of  
the City of La Crosse by transferring certain property from the Planned  
Development District - General to the Planned Development District General  
allowing for a multifamily residential building with affordable housing units and  
a community service facility/hospital use space at 2301 7th St. S.  
A motion was made by Trost, seconded by Woodard, that the Ordinance be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
Resolution approving application of GMX Real Estate Group LLC for a  
Conditional Use Permit at 3900 State Road 16 allowing for demolition of  
structure for future development of three quick serve restaurants, a carwash,  
and new parking stalls.  
A motion was made by Woodard, seconded by Dickinson, that the Application  
recommendations) to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 - Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
1 - Kahlow  
Roll Call  
Kiel left the room.  
6 -  
Chris Kahlow, Jenasea Hameister, Mackenzie Mindel, Chris Woodard,  
Jennifer Trost,Tamra Dickinson  
1 - Mac Kiel  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Section 6-16(2)(a) and (e) of the Code of  
Ordinances of the City of La Crosse regarding the keeping of chickens.  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Kahlow, that the Ordinance be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
6 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Mindel,Dickinson  
1 - Kiel  
Resolution approving Election Officials for 2024-2025.  
A motion was made by Dickinson, seconded by Kahlow, that the Resolution be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
6 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Mindel,Dickinson  
1 - Kiel  
Roll Call  
Kiel returned.  
7 -  
Chris Kahlow, Jenasea Hameister, Mac Kiel, Mackenzie Mindel, Chris  
Woodard, Jennifer Trost,Tamra Dickinson  
Resolution relocating District 10 polling place effective January 1, 2024.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Woodard, that the Resolution be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
Resolution establishing additional absentee voting locations for the 2024  
A motion was made by Hameister, seconded by Dickinson, that the Resolution  
be RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
Resolution Approving the Plan of Dissolution and the Dissolution of the  
Gundersen/City of La Crosse Neighborhood Development Corporation, Inc.  
A motion was made by Woodard, seconded by Kahlow, that the Resolution be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Common Council on 12/14/2023. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 - Kahlow, Woodard, Hameister, Trost, Kiel, Mindel,Dickinson  
Meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m.