Natalie Heneghan moved to open a public hearing. Greg Clark seconded, The
motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.
Members of the public spoke.
Eric Garland moved to close the public hearing. Jim Gallagher seconded. The
motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.
Jim Gallagher moved to approve the nomination as submitted. Greg Clark
Jim Gallagher stated that he was impressed with the nomination.
Greg Clark also stated that he was impressed with the petition.
Eric Garland stated that he was impressed with the emails submitted on behalf
of the nomination and that they were 100% in favor of its designation.
Natalie Heneghan echoed the commissioners statements but believed that
more information was needed to support it being designated under the social
history criterion.
Eric Garland stated that it only needed to meet one of the four criteria to be
The motion passed 4-1 by voce vote. Heneghan voting no.
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the property located at 716
Copeland Ave. (St Elias Orthodox Church)
Staff provided an overview of the application and their recommendation.
The applicant, Marcus Zettler, provided additional information and stated that
the addition was complimentary and respectful.
Greg Clark asked Marcus about the proposed siding.
Marcus stated that the siding chosen was the best type that gave the
appearance of wood clapboard siding which was what the main church had.
Eric Garland asked if the primary purpose of the addition was for ADA
Marcus stated that it was as the current church has no ADA accessibility.
Greg Clark moved to approve the application as submitted. Eric Garland
seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.
Review of proposed Ordinance regarding Ghost Signs.
Anna, Planning Intern, gave a presentation on ghost signs and presented a
draft ordinance to the Commission.
Eric Garland suggested that staff work with the Arts Board to see how they can
be involved.
Greg Clark asked staff to explain what it is we are trying to do.
Anna stated that we are attempting to draft language allowing the
preservation, and possible restoration of, ghost signs on historic buildings.
Laura Godden suggested looking at paint that is sympathetic in color and to
The meeting was adjourned at 6:35pm.
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have
decision-making responsibility.