LACROSSE WISCONSIN City of La Crosse Human Rights Commission Complaint Form Name * Steven K Stack Address * 1222 fith street south Phone 6514486685 Email stovestack2291@gmal com RESPONDENT INFORMATION (PERSON/PERSON(S) YOU FEEL HAVE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST YOU) Name * Danna Kendall Address * 514 Ferry Street La crosse, WI Phone Email TYPE OF DISCRIMINATION ALLEGED Check the appropriate Category, indicate the Address or Location of facility you were denied the equal opportunity to use or enjoy, and the Basis of the alleged discrimination. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they were denied the equal use/enjoyment of a facility located in the City of La Crosse. • Housing 3a Place of Public Accommodation or Amusement [I.e, restaurant, hotel, retail shop] 3. City Facility 514 Ferry St La Crosse. WI 54601 17 Sex 3e Race ?t Religion r Age 3e Disability 3e Marital Status 3e Color 3e National Origin or Ancestry 3r Lawful Source of Income 3g Physical Appearance 3f Sexual Orientation 3f Gender Identity or Expression 3r Political Activity I- Familial Status 7 Domestic Partnership 3r Student - - Category: * Address/Location: * Basis (Check all those you feel may apply): FACTS Click hero to download a printable version of this form COMPLAINANT INFORMATION (YOURSELF) To the best of your ability, give a detailed statement regarding the facts giving rise to this Complaint. The statement must include the date or dates of the alleged discrimination. City Ordinance provides that a written Complaint must be filed within 180 days after the complainant knew or should reasonably have known that the alleged act or acts occurred. Additional pages may be attached to this form if necessary. Statement * I applied for a rental and was denied because of my sex at the address of 514 ferry st in la crosse. wi. I confronted the individual that it was illegal and she then listed it as sold after I sent the seller the city, state, and federal statute on discrimination. Lehrke, Teri From: Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 8:57 PM To: Cc: ZZ City Clerk Subject: New Human Right Complaint from Steven K Stack v Kendall Attachments: City of La Crosse Human Rights Commission Complain.pdf See Attached