City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Neighborhood Revitalization Commission  
Wednesday, April 5, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers- City Hall- 400 La Crosse St  
Members of the public will be able to attend the meeting in person in the Council Chambers at  
City Hall  
located at 400 La Crosse St in La Crosse, or online via video conferencing with the links below.  
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Meeting ID: 821 5546 4093  
Passcode: 543969  
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Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm.  
Roll Call  
8 -  
Ralph Geary, Jim Bagniewski, Larry Sleznikow, Mitch Reynolds, Jessica  
Stanton, Sean Hurtubise , Robert McDonnell,Greg Clark  
2 - Vacant 1,Will Kratt  
1 - Steve Nicolai  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the February 1, 2023 Meeting Minutes.  
Ralph Geary moved to approve the minutes. Jim Bagniewski seconded. The  
motion passed 7-0 by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Lewis Kuhlman provided an overview of his memo he provided to the  
Commission and stated some of the main points. Lewis suggested that he  
could bring back a draft ordinance at the next meeting. The Commission  
Discussion on parking and parking districts.  
The Mayor requested that this item be taken first. The Commission agreed.  
Sean Hurtubise joined the meeting.  
Jim Bagniewski asked how the parking district and pay to park efforts were  
going especially around the campuses and if there are any other updates. Joe  
Pederson, Parking Utility Coordinator, stated that the parking district ordinance  
is in place. As of now there are no parking benefit districts in place but the pay  
to park efforts have been heavily utilized. Jim Bagniewski asked if the City has  
moved forward to exempt businesses from having to provide parking. Staff  
stated that the City has eliminated off-street parking requirements for  
commercial businesses but has not for multi-family developments. Based on  
feedback from neighborhoods, staff decided to hold off on this effort until after  
the Comprehensive Plan has been updated to see if this issue is identified as a  
priority or need.  
Discussion on possible regulation/legislation of AirBnBs/short-term rentals.  
Staff provided a recap of the direction from the Commission and their efforts to  
date. Staff put together a draft ordinance based on the direction and stated  
that they shared it with other departments for review. Jessica Stanton asked  
how this relates to the County's registration and whether they need to renew  
every year. Staff stated that they would only need one inspection but would  
need to renew license annually. Jessica Stanton asked if short-term rentals are  
supposed to be licensed from the county by state law. Staff stated that is  
Ralph Geary stated that he really liked the Green Bay ordinance and would  
like to follow that.  
Sean Hurtubise asked in relation to license revocation who determines what a  
legitimate police call is. Ellen Atterbury suggested a legitimate police call be  
kept consistent with other ordinances. Her suggestion was to take from the  
chronic nuisance premise ordinance which includes a call for service which  
requires enforcement action as a legitimate police call.  
CM Sleznikow asked if there is state legislation regulating what municipalities  
can do with short-term rentals. Staff stated the regulations for short-term  
rentals are not as strict as those imposed on long-term rentals.  
Jessica Stanton stated she is in favor of keeping the City license fee to cover  
administrative costs and not cause barrier for those wanting to pursue having a  
short-term rentals.  
Greg Clark said there is a big difference within the short-term rental market.  
Clark said some people only open a room of their house for guests. Other  
owners have multiple properties and do not live in the area. Clark asked if  
there was a way to be able to differentiate how we regulate the different types  
of short-term rentals.  
Mayor Reynolds asked for guidance on penalties and fees from the Committee.  
Committee Members did not have any suggestions. Mayor Reynolds told staff to  
use their discretion for setting penalties and fees.  
CM Sleznikow asked if the registration and fee would be annual. Staff stated  
most other municipalities have annual registration and most have discounted  
fees after the initial registration.  
Discussion on reducing single-use plastics.  
Jim Bagniewski stated he saw some other cities reducing the use of single-use  
plastics and he would like to see the City look into this. Staff stated that there  
are strict regulations from the state on what municipalities are allowed to do.  
Staff informed the Committee municipalities are not allowed to ban plastic  
bags, containers, or bottles.  
The Mayor stated that public education is an important piece to reducing the  
use of single-use plastics. Bagniewski asked if there was any kind of  
proclamation possibility from the Mayor to encourage reduction of single-use  
plastics. Mayor Reynolds agreed that he can could do that.  
Greg Clark stated they could encourage businesses to have recycling facilities.  
Sean Hurtubise suggested recognizing businesses who strive toward reduction  
of single-use plastics. Jessica Stanton agreed with Hurtubise that having a  
partnership with business that use less single-use plastics could encourage less  
plastic use.  
CM Sleznikow asked if there is any regulation from the State in which the  
municipality can charge a fee for the use of single-use plastics. Staff said they  
would look into this.  
Staff provided an update.  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:02pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
Neighborhood Revitalization Commission Members:  
Mayor Mitch Reynolds, CM Larry Sleznikow, Jessica Stanton, Jim Bagniewski, Greg Clark,  
Ralph Geary, Robert McDonnell, Sean Hurtubise, Steve Nicolai, Will Kratt