City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Common Council  
Monday, March 14, 2022  
5:10 PM  
Southside Neighborhood Center  
1300 6th St S  
Mayor Mitch Reynolds, Presiding  
Mayor Reynolds called the meeting to order at 5:19 p.m.  
Roll Call  
13 -  
Andrea Richmond, Scott Neumeister, Barb Janssen, Larry Sleznikow,  
Justice Weaver, Chris Kahlow, Mac Kiel, Mackenzie Mindel, Chris  
Woodard, Rebecca Schwarz, Jennifer Trost, Douglas Happel, Mark  
Pledge of Allegiance  
(2/3 Vote Required)  
A motion was made by Janssen, seconded by Sleznikow to SUSPEND Council  
Rule VIII; the motion carried unanimously by voice vote.  
Resolution invoking inspection contingency with regard to purchase of  
property located at 5212 Mormon Coulee Road.  
(Note: The Committee and/or Council may convene in closed session pursuant to Wis.  
Stat. 19.85(1)(g) to confer with legal counsel. Following such closed session, the  
Committees and/or Council may reconvene in open session.)  
A motion was made by Weaver, seconded by Neumeister to CONVENE in  
Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stat. 19.85(1)(g) to confer with legal counsel;  
the motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.  
A motion was made by Woodard, seconded by Weaver to RECONVENE in Open  
Session; the motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.  
A motion was made by Janssen, seconded by Happel, that the Resolution be  
ADOPTED. The motion carried by the following vote:  
13 -  
Richmond, Neumeister, Janssen, Sleznikow, Weaver, Kahlow, Kiel, Mindel,  
Woodard, Schwarz, Trost, Happel, Neumann  
Meeting adjourned at 6:37 p.m.