International Education Week
Film fest at Rivoli on November 18th to showcase art and filmmaking of Sister City
countries. Name of event: International Education Week: International Film Festival.
Wiesjahn and Norton distributed a list of films that we can get permission to use
Suggested lineup
Mr. Hublot (France/Luxembourg): animated
Permission granted by Magnet Film for $150USD fee
2014 Academy Award Winner for Best Animated Short Film
The American St. Nick (Luxembourg/Epinal/Friedberg)
Permission granted by The World War II Foundation
No fee, but requests we credit The World War II Foundation in all marketing materials
and invitations.
An Irish Goodbye (Bantry, Ireland)
Permission granted by Network-Ireland Television (NITV) for $150USD fee
2023 Academy Award Winner for Best Live Action Short
Motion by Giefer to spend up to $500 to license Mr. Hublot, The American St. Nick,
and An Irish Goodbye and use for advertisement. Second by Norton. Carried.
Promotion. Norton will reach out to agencies to confirm licensing and inquire about
what can be used regarding advertisement.
Suggested Program Schedule
Doors open at 4:30 pm with displays in the front of the theatre. Each committee can
have their own table and needs to be responsible for providing the table. Committees
are encouraged to include information about Sister Cities (printed
material/photographs) and artifacts from countries. DeYoe will bring the banners for
each Sister City
We start with introductions to the event by Wiesjahn and Norton
Show Mr. Hublot. For those with young kids, they can leave after or stay on to watch
American St Nick.
After Mr. Hublot, we can discuss upcoming Epinal travel to St Nick festival and tie it in
with Luxembourg, regional importance, etc. Then we show American St Nick.
After American St. Nick, remaining families / those with young ones can opt to leave,
as An Irish Goodbye does have strong language but is a wonderful film.
Final program will be discussed and decided at 11 November meeting
Other Discussion: Budget Request. West reported that a delegation from Ireland will
visit La Crosse 22-24 October. Motion by West for $500 for delegation visit.
Seconded by Berns. Carried.
Adjourn 5:49 pm Berns. Second by DeYoe. Carried