City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Agenda - Final  
Redevelopment Authority  
Thursday, August 22, 2024  
4:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
The meeting is conducted in person and virtually via the links below.  
To join the meeting click this link (or typing the URL in your web browser address bar):  
Join Zoom Meeting  
Meeting ID: 879 5911 6254  
Passcode: 463797  
Dial by your location  
+1 312 626 6799  
If attending virtually and you wish to speak, contact the Department of Planning, Development and  
Assessment at the email or phone number below so we can provide you with the necessary  
information to join in.  
Members of the public who would like to provide written comments on any agenda may do so by  
emailing, using a drop box outside of City Hall or mailing the Department of  
Planning, Development and Assessment, 400 La Crosse Street, La Crosse WI 54601. Questions, call  
Call to Order  
Roll Call  
Approval of Minutes of the July 25, 2024 meeting.  
Agenda Items:  
Annual Development Agreement Compliance Report and Determination: The  
Driftless Apartments, Riverside, & War Eagle.  
Consideration and possible action on Extension to the Option to Purchase  
Agreement with 360 Real Estate Solutions 5, LLC, for outlot 5 and lot 13.  
Resolution approving the sale of property owned by the Redevelopment  
Authority of La Crosse to RyKey Properties.  
Attachments: Resolution  
Consideration and possible action on Construction Access Agreement with  
RyKey Properties for Lot 8.  
Project Management Report for River Point District - August 2024  
Monthly Financial Report for August 2024.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the above  
scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have decision-making  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting should call  
the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as  
much advance notice as possible.  
Redevelopment Authority Members: Adam Hatfield, Barb Janssen, Ed Przytarski, Julie Henline,  
Michael Sigman, Karen Dunn, Gus Fimple