City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Heritage Preservation Commission  
Thursday, May 26, 2022  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers- Grandad Room- 400 La  
Crosse Street  
Members of the public may participate in the meeting in the following ways;  
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Or you may attend in person at City Hall located at 400 La Crosse Street.  
Members of the public who would like to provide written comments on any agenda may do so  
emailing, using a drop box outside of City Hall or mailing the  
Department of  
Planning, Development and Assessment, 400 La Crosse Street, La Crosse WI 54601.  
Questions, call  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 6pm.  
Roll Call  
5 - John J. Satory, David Riel, Janet Allen, Mackenzie Mindel,Monica Gorski  
1 - Laura Godden  
1 - Jennifer Morris  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the April 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes.  
John Satory moved to approve the minutes. Monica Gorski seconded. The  
motion passed 5-0.  
Agenda Items:  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for a proposed sculpture  
installation in Riverside Park. (Veteran's Memorial)  
Staff provided an overview of the project and provided the standards to the  
Commission when reviewing Certificate of Appropriateness that are not within  
a historic district. John Satory asked who was paying for it. John Satory moved  
to open a public hearing. David Riel seconded. The motion passed 5-0. Carol  
Gross stated that it will all be fundraised for. John Satory asked about the  
design and color. Val Schute described the design and provided additional  
details on the design. CM Mindel asked if this memorial needed to be removed  
would it leave little impact to the park. Val stated that some more work was  
need to determine how it would be affixed to the base. It would have to be  
attached to a fairly permanent base. Monica Gorski moved to close the public  
hearing. John Satory seconded. The motion passed 5-0. David Riel asked about  
John Nolen's role with Riverside Park and what exists today that was part of  
his plan. Staff stated that he had developed a very in depth landscape and  
planting plan that was largely not implemented. His plan also included  
winding paths and other features that existing today but in a different form.  
David Reil compared reviewing this item to changes in architecture of  
buildings and the challenges with determining the significant features of parks.  
Staff agreed and stated that a larger discussion with the Parks Department and  
the Park Board and this Commission will need to take place. CM Mindel  
agreed. Dan Trussoni also added that a final H&H study needs to be completed  
as well as final approval by the Parks Board. John Satory moved to approve  
the Certificate of Appropriateness. David Riel seconded. The motion passed  
4-1. Gorski voting no.  
Request to approve a statue donation request for Riverside Park, presented  
by Barbara Kroner.  
Staff provided an overview of the project. John Satory asked if the new levy  
goes up to this area. Dan Trussoni stated that the new levy is located to the  
south of the proposed location for this statue. CM Kahlow asked about the  
statue being raised on a platform and if that would be affected by the  
floodplain. Dan Trussoni stated that the statue and its installation would not be  
affected by the floodplain or would need to meet any requirements. David Riel  
asked if the cost would be financed solely by the applicant. Dan Trussoni  
stated that it would be and that they would be required to maintain it. David  
Riel also expressed concern over the general public just donating statues in  
public parks for personal purpose. Barbara Kroner stated that the statue was in  
memoriam of her mother who was a past City Clerk for La Crosse. Dan  
Trussoni stated that this item would also have to go back to the Park Board for  
approval. David Riel stated that he was unsure about statues being erected in  
this manner versus the previous item where it was honoring veterans. There  
should be some distinction between when a statue or memorial is permitted in  
a public space. CM Mindel asked about whether the question on quantity is  
what the Commission can factor in. Staff stated it is a valid question when  
considering these requests. John Satory stated that he agreed about not  
wanting to commercialize the park but argued that this statue was in honor of  
a past public official. John Satory moved to approve. The motion failed due to  
the lack of a second. David Riel moved to deny. Monica Gorski seconded. The  
motion passed 4-1. Satory voting no.  
Nomination of the Charles Felber House- Sears Roebuck & Co Home, located  
at 2326 Madison Street, to be designated as a Local Historic Landmark.  
This item was referred from April in order to revise the nomination.  
Commissioner David Riel stated that he would work with the applicant but also  
wanted to discuss with the City Attorney's office if he would be permitted to do  
so. He has not heard back from them at the time of the meeting. He informed  
the applicant about his status. The applicant was also not available to work on  
the nomination. Staff also would assist the applicant with next steps and  
possible options for assistance. This house is a rare architecturally significant  
building in La Crosse that needs to be protected. John Satory moved for a 60  
referral to work on the nomination. David Riel seconded. The motion passed  
Lost La Crosse Project Update.  
Staff provided an update on feedback from La Crosse County. They had  
worked with Noffke Sign. Staff stated that they would work with David Riel on  
next steps. David suggested that one next step would be to contact Noffke Sign  
and discuss further as well as possibly getting other quotes.  
Wrap Up Discussion on 2022 Threatened and Endangered property list.  
CM Mindel stated that she thought this effort went great. Several articles in the  
La Crosse Tribune. A successful press conference was also held. CM Mindel  
thanked Commissioner Riel for all his work.  
2022 National Register of Historic Places Nomination Project.  
Staff reminded the Commission that they had 2022 CIP funding to hire a  
consultant to prepare National Register Nominations. Staff informed the  
Commission that they intend to apply for a grant from the Wisconsin Historical  
Society to increase the amount of funding for nominations. Staff stated their  
concern for the Trane Headquarters Building and requested that funding be  
used now to move forward with preparing a nomination. David Riel moved to  
have staff move forward with having the Trane Headquarters Building  
nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. Monica Gorski seconded.  
The motion passed 5-0.  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:13pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
Heritage Preservation Commission Members  
CM Mackenzie Mindel, David Riel, Laura Godden, John Satory, Janet Allen,  
Jennifer Morris, Monica Gorski