City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Neighborhood Revitalization Commission  
Wednesday, January 3, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers - City Hall - 400 La Crosse St.  
Members of the public will be able to attend the meeting in person in the Council Chambers at  
City Hall  
located at 400 La Crosse St in La Crosse or online via video conferencing with the links below.  
Join Zoom Meeting:  
Meeting ID: 821 5546 4093  
Passcode: 543969  
Participate by phone: 1-312-626-6799  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm.  
Roll Call  
8 -  
Ralph Geary, Will Kratt, Jim Bagniewski, Larry Sleznikow, Jennifer Trost,  
Jessica Stanton, Sean Hurtubise ,Robert McDonnell  
1 - Greg Clark  
2 - Steve Nicolai,Vacant 1  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the December 6, 2023 meeting minutes.  
A motion was made by Bagniewski, seconded by Geary, that the minutes be  
approved. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Annual Code of Ethics Policy Review.  
CM Trost asked Commissioners to confirm they had reviewed the Code of  
Ethics Policy. All Commission Members indicated they had reviewed the Code  
of Ethics Policy.  
Introduction to City of La Crosse “residential zoning districts” (please consider bringing your  
own laptops for this workshop).  
CM Trost gave a brief overview on the history of zoning. Staff displayed a map  
of the city and CM Trost went over what the different zoning districts in the City  
of La Crosse. Staff explained that Planned Development is a zoning district  
where a development of typically more than two acres can request more  
flexibility from the Council by proposing a specific project plan. Staff  
explained that Traditional Neighborhood Development is a zoning district that  
can be used similarly to Planned Development but on a smaller scale.  
Kratt asked what other types of zonings are out there. CM Trost stated that  
Euclidean zoning has a lot of restrictions that must be adhered to. CM Trost  
explained an alternative to Euclidean zoning would be a type of form-based  
code. Staff explained that form-based code looks at site and building design  
more than use.  
CM Trost then explained the expansion of lot size requirements in the city.  
Discussion on Neighborhood Revitalization Commission 2024 Action Plan.  
CM Trost stated the Commission should choose two to three achievable items  
that they can accomplish within the next couple years to put forward into the  
Action Plan. CM Trost stated she was thinking something related to parking  
Kratt said there are a lot of real-world examples regarding parking  
requirements and it may be a good time to bring it forward again.  
Bagniewski stated that a vacant property survey would be something the  
Commission should work on. CM Trost stated that doing a vacant property  
survey would include the Commission going out and doing a survey around the  
city and verifying with staff later. Stanton stated that there is only so much the  
city can do with private property but depending on the number of vacant  
parcels there might be a way to incentivize them to do something with their  
property. Kratt said empty lots can be found pretty easily with GIS.  
Kratt stated that with current market conditions it's almost impossible to build  
affordable housing. Kratt stated the Commission should look at what the city is  
doing that is inadvertently increasing the cost of housing.  
CM Sleznikow stated that the Commission should work on improving  
communication throughout the city. Staff stated that they are welcome to any  
feedback and suggestions for how to improve communication.  
CM Goggin stated that housing should be at the forefront of the Commission's  
mind when it comes to their Action Plan.  
CM Trost had Commission Members write their ideas down in order to continue  
the discussion next meeting.  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
Neighborhood Revitalization Commission Members:  
CM Jennifer Trost, CM Larry Sleznikow, Jessica Stanton, Jim Bagniewski, Greg Clark, Ralph  
Geary, Robert McDonnell, Sean Hurtubise, Steve Nicolai, Will Kratt