City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Agenda - Final  
Board of Estimates  
Monday, October 10, 2022  
1:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Discussion / Review / Finalize Recommended Operating Budget  
The Board of Estimates meeting is open for in-person attendance and will also be conducted through video  
conferencing. The meeting can be viewed by typing the URL in your web browser address bar:  
Call to Order  
Roll Call  
Approval of Minutes  
Agenda Items:  
2023 Operating Budget Discussions.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the above  
scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have decision-making  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting should call  
the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as  
much advance notice as possible.  
Board of Estimates Members:  
Mayor Reynolds, Barb Janssen, Andrea Richmond, Chris Kahlow, Douglas Happel, Larry  
Sleznikow, Mac Kiel, Mark Neumann, Rebecca Schwarz, Finance Director Chadwick Hawkins