City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
City Plan Commission  
Monday, June 12, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Special Meeting: 2024-2028 CIP Public Hearing #2  
The meeting is open for in-person attendance and will also be conducted through video  
To join the meeting click this link (or typing the URL in your web browser address bar):  
Meeting ID: 889 9160 7803; Passcode: CPC23; Call in: 1-305-224-1968.  
The meeting can be viewed by visiting the Legislative Information Center  
to the far right in the meeting list.  
If you wish to speak on an agenda item, arrive early to sign up before the meeting begins. If  
virtually and you wish to speak, contact the Department of Planning, Development and  
Assessment at  
the email or phone number below so we can provide you with the necessary information to join  
Members of the public who would like to provide written comments on any agenda may do so  
emailing, using a drop box outside of City Hall or mailing the  
Department of  
Planning, Development and Assessment, 400 La Crosse Street, La Crosse WI 54601.  
Questions, call  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.  
Roll Call  
8 -  
James Cherf, Matt Gallager, Chris Kahlow, Jenasea Hameister, Elaine  
Yager, Mitch Reynolds, Jacob Sciammas,James Szymalak  
1 - Jennifer Trost  
Approval of Minutes  
James Cherf moved to approve the minutes. Chris Kahlow seconded. The  
motion passed 8-0 by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Approval of the 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Project Budget.  
Chris Kahlow moved to make the following amendments:  
Item #905 Bicycle Signage Route 1 $50,000 moved from unfunded to Borrowed  
Funds in 2024  
Item #888 Main Street Traffic Calming $25,000 moved from unfunded to  
Borrowed Funds in 2024  
Jacob Sciammas seconded.  
The motion passed 8-0 by voice vote.  
Matt Gallager moved to make the following amendments per the memo  
submitted by the Director of Planning, Development and Assessment:  
#181 – Milwaukee St. Buchner Pl to Causeway Blvd - $433,000 in 2028 move  
from TID 12 to TID 18  
#773 – Pe bone Parking Lot – $200,000 in 2025 move from unfunded to TID 10  
in 2024  
#895 – Charles St Affordable Housing – delete $300,000 Grants – Federal (ARPA  
funds were already allocated.)  
#896 – Pine Street Corridor – move from unfunded to $75,000 in 2024 from TID  
11, $500,000 in 2027 from TID 11, $1,000,000 in 2027 from TID 17, $1,000,000 from  
TID 11 in 2028 and $500,000 from TID 17 in 2028  
#902 – Affordable Housing Revolving Loan Program – delete request for  
$150,000 from TID 10 (Other funding sources have been allocated.)  
James Cherf seconded  
Chris Kahlow asked for more details regarding the Pettibone parking lot. Jim  
Flottmeyer stated that the project is intended to add some spaces that were  
lost when the parking lot and road were redone.  
The motion passed 7-1 by voice vote. Kahlow voting no.  
Chirs Kahlow moved to open a public hearing. James Cherf seconded. The  
motion passed 8-0 by voice vote.  
Public Speakers:  
Jeff Nylander, Support of Items #858-860, #867-881, #527, #648, #762, #277, #647  
Karla Doolittle, Opposed to Items #854, #848, #895, #889  
Andrew Steger, Support of Item #889  
Kahya Fox, Support of Items #902 & #895  
Brock Coyle, Support of Item #848  
Vicki Markussen, Support of Items #624, #554, #841, #857, #854, #565, Concern  
over no funding allocated for Copeland Park as related to the recent park plan.  
Ariel Beaujot, Support of Item #854  
Mayor Reynolds also stated that the following people signed up in support of  
specific items but chose not to speak:  
Chuck Lee, Item #856 & #857  
Karen Acker, Item #856 & #857  
Bridget Brown, Item #905  
Cole Harold, Item #848  
Cole Scheck, Item #848  
Dave James, Item #848  
Jasmine Seveveid, Item #848  
Shaylyn Elliott, Item #848  
Ricky Henderson, Item #848  
Cody Pittman, Item #848  
James Cherf moved to close the public hearing. Chris Kahlow seconded. The  
motion passed 8-0 by voice vote.  
Elaine Yager stated she was not in favor of the Pine Street Cooridor Project.  
CM Barb Janssen stated she was not in favor of the Skate Park Project.  
Concern of it being funded over other maintenance items that are needed.  
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
City Plan Commission Members:  
Mayor Mitch Reynolds, Chris Kahlow, Elaine Yager, Jacob Sciammas, James Cherf,  
Trost, Matt Gallager, Jenasea Hameister & James Szymalak.