City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Economic and Community Development Commission  
Wednesday, December 20, 2023  
3:00 PM  
Black River Beach Neighborhood Center - Maplewood Room  
Call to Order  
Mayor Reynolds called this meeting to order at 3:04 PM.  
Roll Call  
7 -  
Douglas Happel, Linda Lee, Chris Kahlow, Vicki Markussen, Mitch  
Reynolds, Colin Walsh,Gina Miller  
Approval of Minutes from the November 15, 2023 meeting.  
A motion was made by Lee, seconded by Markussen that these minutes be  
APPROVED. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
Agenda Items:  
Introduction of TIF applicant - Gateway Commons; developer: RyKey  
Resolution authorizing the City of La Crosse to submit an application to  
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) for the Idle Sites  
Redevelopment (ISR) Grant Program for the West Channel at Barron Island  
A motion was made by Markussen, seconded by Lee that staff can submit the  
application to WEDC be APPROVED. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
TIF Development Agreement/Pipeline Updates  
Action on Subordination Request  
A motion was made by Lee, seconded by Miller that the subordination request  
be APPROVED. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
Proposed Changes to Housing Rehabilitation Loan Policy  
A motion was made by Lee, seconded by Happel that these changes to the  
Housing Rehabilitation Loan Policies be APPROVED. Voice vote carried  
Mayor Reynolds called this meeting to order at 3:45 PM.  
Economic and Community Development Commission Members:  
Mayor Mitch Reynolds, Chris Kahlow, Doug Happel, Colin Walsh, Linda Lee, Gina  
Miller, & Vicki Markussen.