City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Heritage Preservation Commission  
Thursday, March 23, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers- Grandad Room 400 La  
Crosse St  
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would like to provide written comments on any agenda may do so by emailing, using a drop box outside of City Hall or mailing the Department of  
Development and Assessment, 400 La Crosse Street, La Crosse WI 54601. Questions, call  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 6pm.  
Roll Call  
6 -  
Vacant 1, David Riel, Laura Godden, Mackenzie Mindel, Natalie  
Heneghan,Greg Clark  
1 - John J. Satory  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the February 23, 2023 Meeting Minutes.  
David Riel moved to approve the minutes. Natalie Heneghan seconded. The  
motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Nomination of the Noelke Building, located at 529 Main Street, to designated  
as a Local Historic Landmark.  
Staff stated that the application was complete. Staff also stated that, although  
the exterior has been altered, the building could also meet the criteria for style  
of architecture. Laura Godden moved to open a public hearing. Greg Clark  
seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote. The owner of the building  
asked if their were any questions. David Riel asked if the owner had a chance  
to talk with any architects about restoring the building. The owner stated that  
they had. The original openings are behind the current facade. The owner also  
stated that they want to restore it back to its 1902 appearance. Greg Clark  
asked what is the owner's vision for the building in the future. The owner  
stated that the windows are put back in and that they are living on the upper  
floor. Mackenzie Mindel thanked the owner for their desire to restore it and  
nominate it as a local landmark. Natalie Heneghan moved to close a public  
hearing. Greg Clark seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote. Laura  
Godden moved to approve the nomination as submitted. David Riel seconded.  
The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the property located at 429 7th  
Street N. (Hixon House)  
Greg Clark recused himself from this item and sat in the audience.  
Staff provided an overview of the application and stated their  
recommendation. Laura Godden moved to approve the item as submitted.  
Natalie Heneghan seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.  
Greg Clark rejoined the Commission  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the property located at 905-907  
Cass Street. (10th & Cass Historic District)  
Staff provided an overview of the application and stated their  
recommendation. Greg Clark moved to open a public hearing. Natalie  
Heneghan seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote. The applicant  
stated that their are some serious structural issues as well no electricity.  
Replacing the roof is challenging due to the slope. The siding needs to be  
abated. Current codes would limit the size of a new structure. Demolition  
would add green space on the site that is not there now. CM Chris Kahlow  
asked if the existing driveways would be repaved. The applicant confirmed  
that they would and that it would remain the same width. They also stated that  
they would reduce the length of the driveway from 9th Street S and add a  
sidewalk for the tenants. Chris Kahlow asked what the green space would look  
like. The applicant stated that they would install a bollard or parking block to  
prevent cars from parking over the green space. Green space would be grass.  
Mackenzie Mindel asked how many spaces there were off of 9th Street and if  
the driveway off of Cass Street would be repaved as far as it is now. The  
applicant stated that they only intend for two parking spaces off of 9th Street S  
and that the driveway is intended to be shorter. Mackenzie also asked how the  
garage was currently being used and why it is in its current state. The  
applicant stated it is maybe used for very limited storage and stated that the  
garage has not been maintained. Mackenzie Mindel stated that she is not  
advocating for keeping this structure but does not advocate for demolition by  
neglect which this structure clearly was a result of. Greg Clark asked if the  
applicant would look at "Euro-Block" that could be used for parking rather than  
concrete to improve stormwater. Greg Clark moved to close a public hearing.  
Mackenzie Mindel seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote. Natalie  
Heneghan moved to approve the item as submitted. Laura Godden seconded.  
CM Chris Kahlow expressed her disappointment that the structure had not  
been maintained. She also stated that the planting of the green space is  
important to add value to the neighborhood. David Riel also expressed his  
concern for demolition by neglect. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the property located at 924  
Cass Street. (10th & Cass Historic District)  
Staff provided an overview of the application and stated their  
recommendation. David Riel moved to open a public hearing. Greg Clark  
seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote. Jason Lawton, owner, stated  
that there was an error in the plans and that the materials will match in each  
dormer. Will also match the other architectural features in the upper gable. He  
also stated that there will be other improvements to the house later this year.  
Mackenzie Mindel confirmed that the applicant was okay with double hung  
windows on the 1st floor. He stated that they were. Greg Clark thanked him for  
his investment in the district. David Riel also stated that this garage adds value  
to the district. David Riel suggested looking to the archives to find photos of the  
previous accessory structure. Natalie Heneghan moved to close a public  
hearing. Greg Clark seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.  
Mackenzie Mindel asked if the commission would like to see samples of  
materials. David Riel stated no. David Riel moved to approve the item per staff  
recommendation. Laura Godden seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the property located at 721 King  
Street. (First Methodist Episcopal Church)  
Staff provided an overview of the application and stated their  
recommendation. David Riel asked if it was still being used as a church. Staff  
and CM Chris Kahlow stated that the former congregation still rents it from the  
new owner one day a week but mostly it is used as an event space. The  
commission expressed their gratitude for the owner's investment in the  
property and it being an asset to the neighborhood and city as a whole. David  
Riel moved to approve the item as submitted. Natalie Heneghan seconded.  
The motion passed 5-0 by voice vote.  
Review of the Draft Cultural Resources Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.  
Staff provided an update on the comprehensive planning process and stated  
that they are looking for feedback from the commission on "what we got right",  
what we are missing", "what needs clarification" or any other comments.  
Comments included:  
Mackenzie Mindel asked about refurbishing/deconstructing elements of  
buildings that are being torn down. Staff agreed but stated that it should be  
city-wide and not just for historic buildings.  
Environmental crossover/cross reference with climate action plan.  
Standards for solar panels on historic buildings.  
save/preserve as a whole first- save elements second  
Shared language between city departments and public- Why important to  
preserve? Build Awareness.  
David Riel  
holistic look at preservation and sustainability crossover  
incentives for homeowners to preserve appropriate- include energy upgrades  
Natalie Heneghan  
strengthen ties between preservation and the climate action plan  
increase relevance of historic preservation- broaden audience and scope  
preservation is environmentally friendly  
support for deconstruction if demolition is inevitable  
Climate action lens- Framing preservation as climate action  
What are our metrics for success?  
2024 Most Endangered Buildings List/Project.  
CM Mackenzie Mindel provided an update on the status of the project. David  
Riel asked about the status of the Casino Bar at 304 Pearl Street. Staff provided  
an update to the Commission on the building. David stated that he would be  
comfortable with removing it from the list. Chirs Kahlow stated that the  
purpose was also education about preservation in addition to concern over  
demolition. Let the public be aware of historic resources that are endangered.  
She also stated that it would be important to make the public aware of the  
ones that are removed/saved and why. Mackenzie Mindel agreed and stated  
that praise for the property owners should also be considered. Greg Clark  
asked about the criteria for selection and if they were ranked. David Riel stated  
that the criteria included if the have historic significance and if there is  
imminent threat of removal. Staff clarified. Natalie asked if there was an effort  
for open nominations. Mackenzie Mindel stated that only the Commission is  
nominating properties at this time but there could be room for that in the  
future. Laura Godden stated that the Tribune articles did ask the public to  
submit ideas to the City. Natalie stated that there is value in public input to  
help with awareness and for property owners to take ownership. Mackenzie  
Mindel stated that the National Historic Trust has a Nationwide effort. Greg  
Clark stated that the Commission should utilize best practices as part of the  
effort for awareness. David Riel stated that the Otto Merman buildings are  
important. Glory Days Building and Lincoln Middle School. Staff provided an  
update on Glory days building. Staff suggested to not wait until May. Laura  
Godden stated that the Johnson Street property has a pending offer. She  
suggested that all the school, Hogan, Longfellow, and Lincoln could be added  
as one property. Greg Clark moved to remove the Casino Bar (John Walter  
Building) from the list. David Riel seconded. The motion passed 5-0 by voice  
vote. David Riel moved to add Linclon/Lngfellow/Hogan as one nomination  
and Glory Days to the list. Mackenzie Mindel seconded. The motion passed 5-0  
by voice vote.  
Discussion on murals in the Downtown Historic District.  
This item was referred to next meeting.  
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
Heritage Preservation Commission Members  
CM Mackenzie Mindel, David Riel, Laura Godden, John Satory, Greg Clark, Natalie Heneghan