City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Heritage Preservation Commission  
Thursday, July 27, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers- Grandad Room 400 La Crosse St  
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Or you may attend in person at City Hall located at 400 La Crosse Street. Members of the  
public who  
would like to provide written comments on any agenda may do so by emailing, using a drop box outside of City Hall or mailing the Department of  
Planning, Development and Assessment, 400 La Crosse Street, La Crosse WI 54601.  
Questions, call  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.  
Roll Call  
7 -  
John J. Satory, David Riel, Laura Godden, Mackenzie Mindel, Natalie  
Heneghan, Greg Clark,Eric Garland  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the June 22, 2023 Meeting Minutes.  
David Riel moved to approve the minutes. Laura Godden seconded. The  
motion passed 7-0 by voice vote.  
Notices and Disscussions  
No items were discussed.  
Agenda Items:  
Election of Chair and Vice Chair.  
Laura Godden nominated CM Mackenzie Mindel for Chair of the  
Comission.Mackenzie Mindel accepted. The nomination was approved 7-0 by  
voice vote. Laura Godden nominated herself as Vice Chair of the Commission.  
Greg Clark seconded. The nomination was approved 7-0 by voice vote.  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the property located at 205 5th  
Ave S/501Jay St. (Downtown Historic District)  
Staff provided an overview of the project and recommendation for referral.  
John Satory moved to open a public hearing. David Riel seconded. The motion  
passed 7-0 by voice vote.  
Zachary Switzer- HVAC contractor for the project provided additional  
information about the project.  
David Riel asked what the second floor was being used for as the 11 exhaust  
fans may be impacting the windows above with noise or odor. He also asked if  
the upper floor was occupied as the vents could travel through the floor to vent  
out the windows. Zachary stated that it was not an option as those spaces are  
leased out.  
Greg Clark asked for a brief overview of the scope of the La Crosse Food Hall.  
The applicant stated that their will be 11 interior family owned food spaces  
with a shared dining area and bar.  
Laura Godden asked if the project was ok with the tenants and the owner. The  
applicant stated that it was ok with owner. Laura Godden asked if there were  
other options considered to reduce the number of fans. Zachary stated that  
each space has to have an individual fan and that there was no option to  
share. Laura Godden asked if they could swap the location of the air intakes  
with the fans. Zachary stated that it would be inefficient due to corners and  
David Riel asked how they would approach drilling holes into the building.  
Zachary stated that it was still in the planning phase. Looking for HPC  
approval. The exterior is limestone. The interior is poured concrete. Need 36"  
space between fans for clearance. Uncertain as to what is in wall. David Riel  
stated that he was worried about the structural integrity of the building being  
compromised. Zachary stated that they will need a structural engineer to  
confirm. David Riel asked that other options continue to be considered.  
John Satory asked if there was any rebar in the wall. Zachary stated that there  
was post tension cable above the I-beam. John Satory asked if any thought  
was given for locating them over the alley. Zachary stated that the same issues  
stated earlier occur. John Satory stated that he was concerned that the fans  
spit out grease and oil and are noisy. They also drip on the sidewalk for people  
in winter.  
Eric Garland asked if the basement could be utilized. Zachary stated that it was  
not an option.  
The architect for the project stated that they would have like to go to roof.  
Tenant occupation of the upper floor spaces would not permit it. They then  
tried to locate them under non structural locations such as under the windows.  
Laura Godden asked what was the second option is the HPC says no. The  
architect stated that this is the current option being looked at.  
Eric Garland moved to close the public hearing. Greg Clark seconded. The  
motion passed 7-0 by voice vote.  
Laura Godden stated that they would like to require a condition that if they are  
removed the holes are appropriately filled in.  
Staff agreed but was not sure if the Commission had that authority or  
Mayor Mitch Reynolds stated that they do not think the HPC has that ability but  
the Board of Public Works could via the required Street Privilege Permit. He  
also stated it could make the owner do that and not the lease holder. He also  
stated that he would recommend that this condition not be made at HPC level.  
David Riel moved to refer this item per staff recommendation to wait until  
other approvals occur. Greg Clark seconded. Greg Clark stated to the applicant  
that the HPC is not denying just referring. Davis Riel also stated that he does  
not want to deny but needs more information about the structure before  
making a decision. The motion passed 7-0 by voice vote.  
Request of SEH to review proposed plans for the Wagon Wheel Trail, a  
multi-use path and bridge, located along State Hwy 14/61 provide comment  
as part of the Section 106 process.  
Staff provided overview of the request, what a Section 106 review is, and what  
SEH is looking for.  
Eric Garland asked if the Cass St Bridge be considered a historic resource.  
Staff stated that is could. David Riel asked for clarification on where the path is  
being located. Staff explained in more detail the project's scope. John Satory  
suggested that the adjacent boathouses are noted. Mackenzie Mindel stated  
that any archeological sites also be noted.  
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Project and Wisconsin  
Historical Society Grant process.  
Staff informed the Commission that they have $25,000 allocated via the Capital  
Budget by the Common Council to prepare National Register nominations.  
Staff would like to apply for a Certified Local Government Grant from the  
Wisconsin Historical Society to match that amount in order to maximize the  
amount of nominations being completed. A Letter of Intent is due August 14th.  
Staff would like to begin preparing a list of properties and potential districts to  
be considered. Staff recommends referring to the surveys for guidance.  
Suggestions could include the Trane Corporate Headquarters and a possible  
historic district in the 5th Ave and State Street area. Laura Godden suggested  
nominating some of the public schools such as Lincoln Middle and Hogan.  
Greg Clark ask for a date to provide suggestions. Staff requested that they be  
provided to them by August 7th. John Satory asked for a hard copy of the latest  
survey. David Riel asked if one nomination could be the suggested mobile  
home park as a district in the 2018 survey. Staff stated that it could be.  
Mackenzie Mindel suggested the Grandview Building at 17th and Main Streets.  
Discussion of Historic Preservation Best Practices and Commiissioner Continuing Education.  
Mackenzie Mindel stated that she strongly recommends HPC Commissioner  
training and Jason Tish from the Wisconsin Historical Society can come to La  
Crosse to conduct the training. Greg Clark stated that there is also several  
training videos on YOu Tube and requested that Mackenzie send out any links  
that she has. Mackenzie also stated that holding this training can help La  
Crosse score additional points on grant applications.  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:34pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
Heritage Preservation Commission Members  
CM Mackenzie Mindel, David Riel, Laura Godden, John Satory, Greg Clark, Natalie Heneghan,  