City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Board of Park Commissioners  
Thursday, May 18, 2023  
Call to Order  
Roll Call  
5:30 PM  
In Person: City Hall - Council Chambers  
400 La Crosse St, La Crosse, WI  
The Board Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.  
7 -  
Tracy Littlejohn, Sandy Cleary, Chris Kahlow, Eileen Kirsch, Todd Olson,  
Rebecca Schwarz,Patrick Wilson  
3 - Robert Young, Vacant 1,Vacant 1  
Others Present  
Staff: Jay Odegaard, Kate Kroll, Aimee Schmidt, Leah Miller, Jim Flottmeyer,  
Dan Trussoni  
Council Members: Barb Janssen, Mackenzie Mindel, Chris Woodard, Jennifer  
Trost, Mark Nuemann  
Others: Devan Weis, Haleigh Doyle, Morgan Hoff, Zachary Treblehorn, Chuck  
Lee, Katie Rowna Kenen, Judy Aufenthie, Sarah Pataska, Kari Hanson, Jay  
Lokken, Dan Kapanke, Sue Knopf, Jean Sutter, Colleen and Jerry Drollinger,  
Anita Froegel, Arlene Zei, Marilyn Berry, Donna Bartuski, Willee and Mary  
Russell, Janice Kroll, Robert Suhr, William Kroll, Thomas Link, Heather Lyman,  
Don Murphy, Suellyn Colbert, Dorothy Murphy, Pam Schumulch, Vickie  
Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Kirsch, seconded by Cleary to approve the March 16,  
2023 minutes. Motion carried by voice vote.  
Notices and Discussions  
Election of Officers  
A motion was made by Schwarz to nominate Kahlow for Chair, Kahlow  
A motion was made by Kirsch, seconded by Cleary to nominate Young as Vice  
Chair, the motion carried by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Request designation of members to the negotiation team for lease agreement  
regarding summer collegiate softball at Copeland Park.  
Kirsch and Schwarz have agreed to be on the negotiation team.  
Request to approve a children's carnival and silent auction fundraiser at  
Weigent Park on July 15, 2023.  
A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Kirsch, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve alcohol at Black River Beach North Pavilion on July 1,  
2023 for a party.  
A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Cleary, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the Enchanted Forest at Riverside Park on October 28,  
2023; contingent on the required approvals and issuance of all other city and  
county permits, including Special Event Permit through the Clerk's Office.  
A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Cleary, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the Maple Leaf Run in Riverside Park on September 30,  
2023; contingent on the required approvals and issuance of all other city and  
county permits, including Special Event Permit through the Clerk's Office.  
A motion was made by Littlejohn, seconded by Schwarz, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve Downtown Art Market to host the Summer Art Market on  
June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, 2023; contingent on the required  
approvals and issuance of all other city and county permits, including Special  
Event Permit through the Clerk's Office.  
A motion was made by Kirsch, seconded by Schwarz, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the use of the Gateway Trails for the Women's Mountain  
Bike Clinic, which charges a fee, on June 24, 2023, presented by Outdoor  
Recreation Alliance.  
A motion was made by Schwarz, seconded by Kirsch, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve purple ribbons around trees in Riverside Park from June  
9-16, 2023, for Elderly Abuse Awareness week.  
A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Schwarz, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the Riverland Amateur Radio Club to use Hass Park over  
night on June 24-25, 2023 for Field Day; contingent on the required approvals  
and issuance of all other city and county permits, including Special Event  
Permit through the Clerk's Office.  
A motion was made by Schwarz, seconded by Kirsch, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve a welcome sign in Riverside Park, presented by Explore  
La Crosse and La Crosse Parks and Recreation Department.  
*To be up from April 1st to October 31st*  
A motion was made by Kirsch, seconded by Littlejohn, that this Request be  
APPROVED AS AMENDED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the renewal of Memorandum of Understanding between  
the City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department and the  
Friends of the La Crosse River Marsh.  
A motion was made by Schwarz, seconded by Olson, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the renewal of Memorandum of Understanding between  
the City of La Crosse, Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department and the  
Friends of the Blufflands.  
A motion was made by Kirsch, seconded by Littlejohn, that the Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 - Littlejohn, Cleary, Kahlow, Kirsch, Olson,Schwarz  
2 - Young,Vacant 1  
1 - Wilson  
Request to approve the renewal of Memorandum of Understanding between  
the City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department and the  
Outdoor Recreation Alliance of the 7 Rivers Region.  
A motion was made by Kirsch, seconded by Schwarz, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the renewal of the La Crosse Queen lease.  
A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Kirsch, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the nature loop addition to the existing Bud Hendrickson  
Trail; presented by Outdoor Recreation Alliance Trails; contingent on required  
A motion was made by Kirsch, seconded by Schwarz, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Request to approve the resolution in support of grant funding through the  
Department of Natural Resources for the Aspen Trail Bridge Replacement  
A motion was made by Kirsch, seconded by Wilson, that this Request be  
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.  
Update on the 2023 Parks Maintenance Plan.  
Discussion on Downtown District Neighborhood Concerns Related to Park  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.