City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Board of Public Works  
Monday, December 12, 2022  
10:00 AM  
Council Chambers  
City Hall, First Floor  
Call to Order  
Mayor Reynolds called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  
Roll Call  
5 -  
Matt Gallager, Chris Kahlow, Andrea Trane, Mitch Reynolds,Rebecca  
Others present: Nikki Elsen, Jennifer Trost, Tina Erickson, Caleb Wodarz  
Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Trane, seconded by Schwarz, to approve the minutes  
of December 5, 2022. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Charter Street Privilege Permit request for fiber optics in right-of-way at 2719  
Larson Street.  
A motion was made by Gallager, seconded by Kahlow, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried by voice vote.  
La Crosse Urban Stormwater Group (LUSG) Storm Water Management  
Public Education and Outreach Cooperative Agreement 2023-2026.  
A motion was made by Gallager, seconded by Schwarz, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried by voice vote.  
Approval of Payment List of ROW Acquisitions for South Avenue  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Gallager, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried by voice vote.  
432 22nd Street South request to excavate in frozen roadway for failed  
sanitary sewer lateral  
A motion was made by Gallager, seconded by Schwarz, to APPROVE. The  
motion carried by voice vote.  
Charter Street Privilege Permit request for Fiber optics in right-of-way at 30th  
Street from E Fairchild St to W Fairchild Street.  
A motion was made by Gallager, seconded by Trane, to APPROVE. The motion  
carried by voice vote.  
The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 a.m.