City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Heritage Preservation Commission  
Thursday, July 28, 2022  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers- Grandad Room- 400 La Crosse Street  
Members of the public may participate in the meeting in the following ways;  
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Or you may attend in person at City Hall located at 400 La Crosse Street. Members of the  
public who  
would like to provide written comments on any agenda may do so by emailing,  
using a drop box outside of City Hall or mailing the Department of Planning, Development and  
Assessment, 400 La Crosse Street, La Crosse WI 54601. Questions, call 608-789-7512.  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 6:02pm.  
Roll Call  
5 - John J. Satory, David Riel, Laura Godden, Jennifer Morris,Mackenzie Mindel  
2 - Janet Allen,Monica Gorski  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the June 23, 2022 Meeting Minutes.  
David Riel moved to approve the minutes. Laura Godden seconded. The  
motion passed by voice vote 5-0.  
Agenda Items:  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for a new restroom facility located  
within Riverside Park.  
Dan Trussoni from the Parks Department provided an overview of the project.  
The building is intended to replace the existing restroom building that does not  
provide adequate restrooms for the park. Staff added additional information  
regarding its impact to the park. David Riel moved to approve the application.  
John Satory seconded. The motion passed by voice vote 5-0.  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for a sign at 321 Main Street.  
Staff provided an overview of the project which is a new sign for River City  
Galleries located Downtown. David Riel asked for clarification on the sign  
materials. Staff stated that the sign casement will be made of aluminum and  
the sign face will consist of a composite material. John Satory asked how it  
was being attached to the canopy and was concerned it was strong enough.  
Staff stated that the structure behind the canopy would be able to hold the  
sign. David Riel moved to approve the application. Laura Godden seconded.  
The motion passed voice vote 5-0.  
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for a sign located at 308 Main  
Staff provided an overview of the project which is a new sign for Grounded  
Specialty Coffee. John Satory moved to approve the application. David Riel  
asked if the acrylic letters have a thickness/width to them. Staff that there is a  
width but was unsure what it was. Staff stated that It would not be any wider  
than the existing sign. Jennifer Morris seconded. The motion passed by voice  
vote 5-0.  
Discussion and possible action on an amendment to the Historic Landmark  
Nomination Form.  
David Riel stated that in past efforts to help people with nominations he felt  
that additional information on how to research properties and buildings would  
be helpful for future applicants. He put together a nomination guide that  
included information on where to look for information and was looking for  
feedback from the committee with the hope that it would be added to the  
nomination form. Laura Godden stated that the library also has several  
resources on their website that can be added to the guide. Staff stated that  
they would send the guide out to the commission to solicit feedback and work  
with David Riel to bring back a draft to a later meeting.  
Nomination of the Charles Felber House- Sears Roebuck & Co Home, located  
at 2326 Madison Street, to be designated as a Local Historic Landmark.  
Staff recommended that this item be denied as this nomination is not complete  
and it is unknown on when it would be, particularly as new information on the  
buildings history has been discovered. David Riel stated that he assisted the  
owner with looking for identifying marks to determine whether it was a specific  
style of architecture. Rather than finding evidence to the style and type that the  
owner was stating it was, it was determined it was likely a similar type with a  
different history. While still historically significant in some aspects, it was a  
type that had a history that would be hard to document as part of a local  
nomination. The owner was still encouraged to document its history and  
pursue designation. David Riel moved to deny the nomination. Jennifer Morris  
seconded. CM Mindel stated that she would still like to see this nomination  
come before the Commission in the future. The motion passed by voice vote  
Lost La Crosse Project Update  
Staff stated that they had met with David Riel on the next steps of the project.  
Still evaluating sign designs and layout. Future discussions will still need take  
place on project logistics and funding.  
Discussion on the August 2021 Certificate of Appropriateness decision by the  
HPC regarding 123-125 3rd Street S.  
Staff stated that his item was requested by Commissioner John Satory. The  
concern was that they constructed a wall that was not approved by the  
Commission. Staff stated that they watched the video of the past meeting  
where this item was discussed and acted on and that the Commission did not  
require a specific design and look of the wall as part of their motion. John  
Satory stated that he felt that they did not do what they said they would do.  
They used fake brick/concrete blocks instead of real brick. The wall they built  
does not fit into the Downtown. David Riel stated that he watched the video  
and was concerned about sheathing and asked staff if that was considered.  
Staff stated that he did not know the answer. Jennifer Morris stated that she  
thought the discussion was on the look of the brick. David Riel stated that he  
was not sure what the benefit would be to push to change it. CM Mindel also  
stated that they would likely not win any challenge to change it. John Satory  
suggested that the owner could break up or stencil the larger concrete blocks  
to make them look like smaller bricks. David Riel suggested that the  
Commission include in their motions a condition to ensure compliance or  
require that the applicant bring back examples for approval based on what the  
Commission suggests. Staff stated that doing that may pace a hardship on  
applicants if they have to wait a month. If the Commission is willing to hold a  
special meeting for the applicant that may alleviate that concern. Staff also  
suggested that the Commission revise the application process that would  
require samples of materials so that i can be clear on what is expected ahead  
of time. CM Mindel stated that she would be willing to work with staff on this.  
The meeting was adjourn at 7:16pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
Heritage Preservation Commission Members  
CM Mackenzie Mindel, David Riel, Laura Godden, John Satory, Janet Allen, Jennifer Morris,  
Monica Gorski