Request to approve Marsh Audio Trail Signs on Marsh Trail Kiosks.
A motion was made by Schwarz, seconded by Alberts, that the Request be
APPROVED . The motion carried by the following vote:
8 - Kahlow, Wilson, Schwarz, Young, Cleary, Alberts, Olson,Littlejohn
1 - Kirsch
Request to approve installation of tree identification signs and benches along
the Bud Hendrickson Nature Loop.
A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Alberts, that the Request be
APPROVED . The motion carried by the following vote:
8 - Kahlow, Wilson, Schwarz, Young, Cleary, Alberts, Olson,Littlejohn
1 - Kirsch
Request to approve the use of Hixon Forest Trails for ORA's WORS Trail
Fest on August 14-17, 2025; contingent on the required approvals and
issuance of all other city and county permits, including the Special Event
Permit through the Clerk's Office.
A motion was made by Young, seconded by Schwarz, that the Request be
APPROVED . The motion carried by the following vote:
8 - Kahlow, Wilson, Schwarz, Young, Cleary, Alberts, Olson,Littlejohn
1 - Kirsch
Request to approve the acceptance of Forest Hills Pavilion from the Friends
of Riverside Group to the Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department.
A motion was made by Cleary, seconded by Olson, that the Request be
APPROVED . The motion carried by the following vote:
8 - Kahlow, Wilson, Schwarz, Young, Cleary, Alberts, Olson,Littlejohn
1 - Kirsch
Request to approve 2026-2030 Capital Equipment Requests.
A motion was made by Schwarz, seconded by Alberts, that the Request be
APPROVED . The motion carried by the following vote:
8 - Kahlow, Wilson, Schwarz, Young, Cleary, Alberts, Olson,Littlejohn
1 - Kirsch
The meeting was adjourned at 5:58pm.
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have
decision-making responsibility.