City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
City Plan Commission  
Monday, February 27, 2023  
4:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Call to Order  
Mayor Reynolds called the meeting to order at 4:01pm.  
Roll Call  
8 -  
James Cherf, Matt Gallager, Chris Kahlow, Jenasea Hameister, Elaine  
Yager, Mitch Reynolds, Jennifer Trost,Jacob Sciammas  
1 - Vacant 1  
Approval of Minutes from January 30, 2023 meeting.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Yager, that these minutes be  
APPROVED. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Subsection 115-110 of the Code of Ordinances of  
the City of La Crosse by transferring certain property from the Planned  
Development District - General to the Planned Development District - Specific  
allowing for condos, apartments, temporary winter storage for recreational  
vehicles, and temporary flood evacuation storage at 455 Park Plaza Drive.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Cherf to open public hearing.  
The motion carried by voice vote.  
A motion was made by Cherf, seconded by Yager to close public hearing. The  
motion carried by voice vote.  
A motion was made by Cherf, seconded by Kahlow to follow staff  
recommendation and be RECOMMENDED TO BE DENIED to Judiciary &  
Administration Committee. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Resolution approving amendment to the Declaration of Restrictions for the  
Airport Industrial Park with respect to Lot 27 - 2930 Airport Road.  
James Cherf recused himself and took a seat in the audience.  
A motion was made by Trost, seconded by Sciammas, that this Resolution be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Judiciary & Administration Committee.  
The motion carried by voice vote.  
James Cherf returned to his seat on the Commission.  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Subsection 115-110 of the Code of Ordinances of  
the City of La Crosse by transferring certain property from the Commercial  
District to the Single Family Residence District allowing for building a house  
on the land at 3530 County Road B.  
A motion was made by Kahlow, seconded by Gallager, that this Ordinance be  
RECOMMENDED TO BE NOT ADOPTED to the Judiciary & Administration  
Committee. The motion carried by voice vote. Siammas voting no.  
Certified Survey Map - All of Lot 1, Certified Survey Map, Volume 3, Page 133,  
D.N. 985684, also part of Lot 1, Certified Survey Map, Volume 3, Page 78,  
D.N. 967908; T16N-R7W; Town of Medary, La Crosse County, Wisconsin  
(W5593 Deerfield Rd).  
A motion was made by Cherf, seconded by Gallager, that this Plat/Certified  
Survey Map be APPROVED. The motion carried by voice vote.  
Condominium Plat of Great River Condominium II, City of La Crosse,  
Wisconsin (Sunnyside Drive West).  
James Cherf recused himself and took a seat in the audience.  
A motion was made by Yager, seconded by Kahlow, that this Plat/Certified  
Survey Map be APPROVED according to the staff recommendation, contingent  
on Engineering final approval. The motion carried by voice vote.  
James Cherf returned to his seat on the Commission.  
Comprehensive Plan Update.  
2024 CIP Public Hearings will be on May 30th at 4:00pm. and June 5th at  
6:00pm. Both in the Council Chambers.  
Mayor Reynolds adjourned the meeting at 4:43pm.