Agenda Items:
Nomination of the South Branch Library, located at 1307 16th Street S, to
designated as a Local Historic Landmark.
Staff provided the Commission with an explanation of the designation process.
The applicant, David Riel, provided an overview of his nomination. He is
proposing it be designated under all four of the eligible criteria. He also stated
that the nomination supports the Holy Trinity Neighborhood Association's
efforts to save the building.
Greg Clark asked when the roof was put on. David Riel stated it was put on in
1993 maintaining a Prairie Architecture influence.
Mackenzie Mindel asked about how the building was designed. David Riel
provided an overview on the history of the building's design and the
investments that were made for the project and the roof.
Natalie Heneghan asked David to speak more on the criteria selected for its
importance to the social and cultural history of La Crosse. David stated that its
was important for its role society played in its creation civic pride, and the
generations that still had attended it.
Eric Garland asked David if he could elaborate on his determination of the
condition of the building being excellent. David Riel stated that his
determination was based on a visual inspection of the exterior materials. He
did not perform an interior inspection.
Greg Clark stated that there is a plan in place to repurpose the site and/or
building. He asked David if designation makes it more advantaged. David Riel
stated that it may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places which
could allow for the usage of historic tax credits. Staff updated the Commission
on the status of the current process to repurpose the site.
Eric Garland moved to accept the nomination as written. Laura Godden
seconded. Natalie Heneghan stated that she would like to see more
information to support the Criteria for its importance to the social and cultural
history of La Crosse and what it meant to the community and moved to the
refer the item to allow for the applicant to conduct more research. David Riel
was asked about conducting further research. David Riel stated that he felt that
the nomination was already well research and had nothing more to add. He
also stated that he would prefer to have it removed as part of the nomination
as only one criteria is required. The motion failed due to the lack of second.
The motion to accept the nomination as submitted is approved 5-0 by voice
Review of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the property located at 313 Main
Street. (Sign- Downtown Historic District)
Staff provided an overview of the project and their recommendation.
Eric Garland asked if the two businesses ere sharing the building. Staff stated
that they were.
Laura Godden moved to approve. Natalie Heneghan seconded. Mackenzie
Mindel stated that the sign does not look appropriate next to the existing
awning. She also stated that she felt it would not meet the Secretary of
Interior's Standards for Historic Structures. Staff agreed but stated that it meets
the design standards in the City's Municipal Code. The motion passed 4-1 by
voice vote.
Discussion on Ghost Signs.
Anna McConahay provided an update on her research and presented her