City Hall
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
400 La Crosse Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Meeting Minutes
Economic and Community Development Commission
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
3:00 PM
Black River Beach Neighborhood Center - Maplewood Room
The meeting is open for in-person attendance and will also be conducted through video
conferencing. To join the meeting click this link (or typing the URL in your web browser
address bar)
Meeting ID: 837 6812 7868; Passcode: ECDC23; Dial by your location +1-309-205-3325
If you wish to speak on an agenda item, arrive early to sign up before the meeting begins. If
attending virtually and you wish to speak, contact the Department of Planning, Development
Assessment at the email or phone number below so we can provide you with the necessary
information to join in.
Members of the public who would like to provide written comments on any agenda may do so
by emailing, using a drop box outside of City Hall, or mailing the
Department of Planning, Development and Assessment, 400 La Crosse Street, La Crosse WI
Questions, call 608-789-7512
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes from the November 20th, 2024 meeting.
Agenda Items:
Resolution authorizing the City of La Crosse to apply to the Wisconsin Economic
Development Corporation (WEDC) for the Vibrant Spaces Grant Program for the
Caledonia Park Place project and provide $75,000 of TID 16 funds to support the