Discussion of 2024 Housing Study with Local Housing Developer.
Nick Roush presented on his thoughts on the housing study and his experience
as a developer. He stated there is no surprise that the Housing Study states
200-230 units a year to keep up with needs in the community. He stated that the
city needs more high-density multi-family units in addition to a turnover and
update to single-family housing. Roush stated it is important that there are
housing options for people throughout their life. Roush noted some policy
decisions the city could do to make it easier for developers.
Public hearing on NRC recommendation to deregulate off-street parking
requirements in order to promote more housing.
Staff provided a presentation on why some communities are turning toward
deregulating off-street parking.
CM Trost opened public hearing.
Andrew Ericson, City of La Crosse, spoke in favor of deregulating off-street
Ryan Rowan, City of La Crosse, spoke in favor of deregulation of off-street
Sam Deetz, City of La Crosse, spoke in favor of deregulation of off-street
Nick Roush, spoke in favor of deregulation of off-street parking with the
contingency to not penalize developers for their parking choices and to ask
developers about adaptive reuse in a less car-centric future.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm.
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have
decision-making responsibility.
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to
ADAcityclerk@cityoflacrosse.org, with as much advance notice as possible.
Neighborhood Revitalization Commission Members:
CM Jennifer Trost, CM Larry Sleznikow, Jessica Stanton, Jim Bagniewski, Greg Clark, Ralph
Geary, Robert McDonnell, Sean Hurtubise, Will Kratt, Karl Green