City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Board of Zoning Appeals  
Monday, September 18, 2023  
4:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
City Hall, First Floor  
Call to Order  
Cherf called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and explained the meeting procedure.  
Roll Call  
5 - Anastasia Gentry, Douglas Farmer, James Cherf, Ryan Haug,William Raven  
Variance Appeals:  
An appeal regarding the requirement that only one shed is permitted on a lot at  
1521 Main St., La Crosse, Wisconsin.  
Cherf noted that in order to have a hearing on the item, there must be a motion,  
second, and a majority vote to remove the appeal from the table.  
A motion was made by Raven to remove from the table; the motion failed for  
lack of second.  
The item remained tabled; no action was taken.  
An appeal regarding the requirement to use the business space as a  
cosmetology shop at 3001 State Rd., La Crosse, Wisconsin  
Mike Suntken, representing the Community Risk Management Department, was sworn  
in to speak. Suntken stated that the owner desires to use a portion of this building as  
a retail store for a woodworking business. The property is currently zoned R-1 which  
allows for residential uses only. A legal non-conforming cosmetology salon was  
previously in this space and was granted approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals in  
1985. Municipal Code 115-33 (1)(c) states that a nonconforming use shall not be  
changed to a new non-conforming use without approval from the Board of Zoning  
Appeals. A variance to change the use from a cosmetology salon to a retail store  
would need to be granted for this use to remain at this property. Suntken showed the  
prior approval from 1985 and an aerial view of the property as well as a street view of  
the property. Suntken stated that this is a self-created hardship because this use was  
started without going through the proper procedure prior to starting the use. There is no  
unique property limitation. There is harm to the public interest because there will be a  
woodworking shop in a residential neighborhood.  
Karl Schilling, N5713 Moose Road, Onalaska, was sworn in to speak. Schilling stated  
that he purchased the building 20 years ago and he didn't remember that there was a  
variance on the property; he thought it could be rented for other businesses. The  
building is small, around 200 square feet. A lot of the cosmetology businesses have  
changed their format and have added additional services or gone to private studios, so  
they've had difficulty in leasing the space. The business that came forward wanting to  
rent the space to show his wares in this location, by appointment only and the  
woodworking itself would take place at another location.  
Larry Norris, 1726 30th Street South, was sworn in to speak. Norris stated that he  
submitted a letter on the history of the business in that location. Norris asked if the  
whole property could be turned into a business. Suntken responded that the property is  
zoned R-1 (residential); the zoning would need to be changed in order for the entire  
property to be used as a business. The variance would only be for the portion to be  
used in this manner. Norris stated he talked to the woodworker who has been there for  
6 weeks with a signed lease; Norris added that it doesn't seem fair that it was done  
that way. He asked what would happen if the variance were approved and the entire  
property is used as a business. Norris stated that it had been a beauty shop since  
prior to 1958; his concern is that rules are followed.  
Schilling, still sworn, apologized and stated that he should've talked to the neighbors  
to clear it with them. In running his business, they have people applying for leases and  
things do fall between the cracks sometimes and he should've been abreast that the  
variance was in place. This is a very small space and the viability of some of the  
businesses is a concern. Cherf asked Suntken to explain what would happen to the  
tenant if the variance is not granted. Suntken stated that the space would only be able  
to be used as a cosmetology salon. Schilling asked if the variance were to be granted,  
if it would be for the tenant only. Suntken responded that the Board would have to  
clarify in their motion, if that is something they wish to do.  
A motion was made by Farmer, seconded by Haug, to DENY the appeal. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Gentry, Farmer, Cherf, Haug,Raven  
Meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m.