City Hall  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
Meeting Minutes  
City Plan Commission  
Monday, October 2, 2023  
4:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Call to Order  
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM.  
Roll Call  
8 - James Cherf, Matt Gallager, Jenasea Hameister, Elaine Yager, Mitch  
Reynolds, Jennifer Trost, Jacob Sciammas,James Szymalak  
1 - Chris Kahlow  
Approval of Minutes from the September 5, 2023 meeting.  
A motion was made by Yager, seconded by Szymalak, that these minutes by  
APPROVED. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
Agenda Items:  
AN ORDINANCE to amend Subsection 115-110 of the Code of Ordinances  
of the City of La Crosse by transferring certain property from the Special  
Multiple Dwelling District to the Planned Development District - General  
allowing for construction of approximately 14 2-bedroom homes at 5917  
River Run Rd.  
A motion was made by Yager, seconded by Gallagher for the amendment to be  
REFERRED FOR 60 DAYS. Voice vote carried unanimously, Cherf recused  
5 - Gallager, Hameister, Yager, Reynolds,Sciammas  
2 - Trost,Szymalak  
1 - Kahlow  
1 - Cherf  
AN ORDINANCE repealing and recreating Section 101 Article III of the Code  
of Ordinances of the City of La Crosse regarding the City’s Comprehensive  
A motion was made by Yager, seconded by Trost, for this Ordinance to be  
ADOPTED. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
Resolution approving a professional services agreement with MSA to review  
policies and ordinances for compliance with 2017 Wisconsin Act 67.  
A motion was made by Cherf, seconded by Yager, for this Resolution to be  
ADOPTED. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
Resolution approving Request of Three Sixty Real Estate Solutions, LLC for  
extension on start of construction for development at 2415 State Rd pursuant  
to Municipal Code sec. 115-156(i)(1).  
A motion was made by Cherf, seconded by Gallager, for this Request be  
ADOPTED. Yager recused herself, voice vote carried unanimously.  
Resolution approving Application of Casino LAX LLC for a Conditional  
Use Permit at 304 Pearl St, allowing permission to apply for a  
Combination "Class B" Beer & Liquor license.  
A motion was made by Cherf, seconded by Yager, that this Application be  
ADOPTED. Voice vote carried unanimously.  
Resolution approving Application of Tellurian Behavior Health for a  
Conditional Use Permit at 1720 Jackson Street, allowing for a Community  
Living Arrangement.