City Hall
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
400 La Crosse Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Meeting Minutes - Final
City Administrator Working Group
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
12:00 PM
Grandad Conference Room - City Hall
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the Working Group Chair, Larry Sleznikow at 12:00
Roll Call
4 - Barb Janssen, Larry Sleznikow, Mac Kiel,Mark Neumann
1 - Erin Goggin
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Janssen, to APPROVE the minutes of
February 26, 2025. The motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Items:
Proposed City Administrator position.
No action taken.
Director of Human Resources Rebecca Franzen will join the working group to discuss information she
received from consultants about a workforce study and other unbiased means to evaluate the need for a
city administrator
Director of Human Resources Rebecca Franzen provided working group members with
copies of the two proposals she received related to her request for a City work study
and community engagement. Both proposals were focused primarily on facilitating
community engagement related to the potential hiring of a city administrator. Each
came with a significant cost.
The working group’s next steps will be discussed based on the information from Director Franzen.
Working group members were interested in inviting Daniel Foth, JD, Director, Certified
Public Manager Program and Local Government Specialist, Local Government
Education at University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension to the next meeting to
evaluate no cost or low-cost options related to next steps.
Director Franzen will contact Mr. Foth to see if he can attend the next meeting virtually.
If Mr. Foth cannot attend during the regular meeting time, the working group will
consider rescheduling the meeting to accommodate Mr. Foth’s availability.