City Hall  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Neighborhood Revitalization Commission  
Wednesday, October 4, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers - City Hall - 400 La Crosse St  
Members of the public will be able to attend the meeting in person in the Council Chambers at  
City Hall located at 400 La Crosse St in La Crosse or online via video conferencing with the  
links below.  
Join Zoom Meeting:  
Meeting ID: 821 5546 4093  
Passcode: 543969  
Participate by phone: 1-312-626-6799  
Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm.  
Roll Call  
9 - Steve Nicolai, Vacant 1, Ralph Geary, Will Kratt, Larry Sleznikow, Jennifer  
Trost, Jessica Stanton, Sean Hurtubise ,Robert McDonnell  
2 - Jim Bagniewski,Greg Clark  
Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the September 6, 2023 Meeting Minutes.  
Ralph Geary moved to approve the minutes. Larry Sleznikow seconded. The  
motion passed 8-0 by voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Update and action on Accessory Dwelling Unit policy research - Lewis  
Lewis Kuhlman provided an update on the changes made to the final draft for  
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The Legal Department also provided  
feedback on parts that are redundant and on deed restrictions. There was  
concern that a home owner could remove the deed restriction on their own.  
Lewis looked at examples and found a few to bring back to Legal for input.  
Lewis brought up the letter from the AARP suggesting additional requirements.  
The first point being to include allowing ADUs in all residential districts. The  
committee discussed their thoughts on whether ADUs should be allowed in  
Will moved to have R-1 be a permitted zoning districts for ADUs. Jessica  
seconded. The motion passed 6-2 by voice vote with CM Selznikow and Steve  
Nicolai voting no.  
Lewis also stated that AARP suggested that they are not required to be  
owner-occupied stating that it is a limiting factor. The Commission discussed  
their thoughts on whether ADUs should be required to be owner-occupied.  
General consensus was reached by the Commission to include that the ADU  
be owner-occupied.  
Lewis also stated that AARP suggested including attached ADUs in the  
ordinance. Staff stated that an attached ADU is (from a building and zoning  
standpoint) similar to a duplex. The Commission unanimously agreed to not  
include attached ADUs in the ordinance.  
Ralph Geary motioned to approve the ordinance as amended. Jessica  
seconded. The motion passed 8-0 by voice vote.  
Discussion on Chapter 115 notifications (rezonings, CUPs, variances, etc.) sent to buffer  
zone property owners.  
Nikki Elsen, City Clerk, provided an overview of the city's notification  
processes to the Commission. She stated the proposed ADU ordinance is in  
Chapter 115 and will get noticed in the paper.  
Nikki stated the city must follow either Municipal Code or state statutes for  
notification and that some processes are different. The city must do at least  
what the state statute requires, but the municipality can choose to do more if  
they wish. There are a few notification instances where the City of La Crosse  
does more than what state statute requires.  
Nikki informed the Commission on the state requirements for a right-of-way  
discontinuance (vacation).  
CM Sleznikow stated that it is important that neighbors are notified and said he  
appreciates that the city goes above and beyond. He stated that he often hears  
that neighbors don't read the paper so extra notification by the city is  
Nikki stated that residents can go on the city's legislative information center  
and sign up for email notifications for keywords or for committee meetings in  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:13pm.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.  
Neighborhood Revitalization Commission Members:  
CM Jennifer Trost, CM Larry Sleznikow, Jessica Stanton, Jim Bagniewski, Greg Clark, Ralph  
Geary, Robert McDonnell, Sean Hurtubise, Steve Nicolai, Will Kratt