City Hall  
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin  
400 La Crosse Street  
La Crosse, WI 54601  
Meeting Minutes  
Heritage Preservation Commission  
Thursday, April 28, 2022  
6:00 PM  
City Hall Grandad Room  
Members of the public may participate in the meeting in the following ways;  
A. View and Speak:  
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B. View and Listen only:  
C. Attend in person at City Hall located at 400 La Crosse Street. Members of the public who would like to  
provide written comments on any agenda may do so by emailing, using a drop  
box outside of City Hall or mailing the Department of Planning, Development and Assessment, 400 La  
Crosse Street, La Crosse WI 54601. Questions, call 608-789-7512.  
Call to Order  
Mindel called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm  
Roll Call  
6 -  
John J. Satory, David Riel, Laura Godden, Janet Allen, Mackenzie  
Mindel,Monica Gorski  
1 - Jennifer Morris  
Approval of Minutes  
The minutes from February 24th have yet to be approved and should be on the next  
Approval of the March 24, 2022 Meeting Minutes.  
Allen motioned to approve the minutes, Gorski seconded. The motion carried  
by a voice vote.  
Agenda Items:  
Discussion on open meetings laws and use of email.  
Mindel gave an overview of the provided documents. Commission cannot debate  
unless in a publicly noticed meeting. Mindel gave examples of conference calls,  
email, walking quorum, and ex parte communication. Staff suggested using BCC  
when emailing commission to disable Reply All.  
Nomination of the Charles Felber House- Sears Roebuck & Co Home, located  
at 2326 Madison Street, to be designated as a Local Historic Landmark.  
Riel asked about the house name, which is typically named for the first owner, in this  
case, Charles Felber. He suggested checking again whether the house was on the  
State and National Historic Register; applicant needs to check with neighbor and  
should be able to find publicly available. Application needs a photo of the house and  
signatures. Staff has documents from application about San Jose houses left in the  
US. Applicant could see about getting this house authenticated; might be able to find  
labels or pieces from shipping container in attic. Mindel suggested Riel and staff work  
with applicant on those issues before the next HPC meeting.  
Riel motioned to open a public hearing, Satory seconded. The motion carried  
by a voice vote.  
Allen made a motion to close public hearing, Satory seconded. The motion  
carried by a voice vote.  
Allen made a motion to refer this application for 30 days, Godden seconded.  
The motion carried by a voice vote.  
Discussion on the 2022 Most Threatened and Endangered Buildings/Properties list.  
Mindel discussed options for newspaper article rollout, starting May 8th (May is Historic  
Preservation Month in Wisconsin). Allen preferred second option, starting with new  
additions followed by rerun articles on last year's buildings; the Commission concurred.  
Mindel can lead the writing, Riel will support.  
Mindel asked about including buildings adjacent to India Curry House that might have  
been damaged in the firefight. The consensus was to mention them in the  
introduction, but not add them this year.  
Mindel and staff have been working on press release and conference. Commissioners  
can attend on May 6th early afternoon. Riel may be able to speak or backup Mindel if  
she speaks. Mindel asked if the India Curry House would be a good location. Godden  
suggested that Pearl Street (the Casino) would be quieter due to traffic.  
Discussion on Lost La Crosse Project.  
Photos of reference signs were included in email. Staff can check on cost of signs.  
Mindel will work on getting funding from State Historical Preservation Office. Mindel  
and Godden attended (SHPO training and can share materials).  
Satory motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 pm, Allen seconded. The  
motion carried by a voice vote.  
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the  
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have  
decision-making responsibility.  
Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting  
should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.