Request designation of members to the negotiation team for lease agreement
regarding summer collegiate softball at Copeland Park.
Rep: Dan Kapanke
Staff Rep: Jared Flick
Request to approve a children's carnival and silent auction fundraiser at
Weigent Park on July 15, 2023.
Rep: Devan Weis
Staff Rep: Kate Kroll
Request to approve alcohol at Black River Beach North Pavilion on July 1, 2023
for a party.
Staff Rep: Kate Kroll
Request to approve the Enchanted Forest at Riverside Park on October 28,
2023; contingent on the required approvals and issuance of all other city and
county permits, including Special Event Permit through the Clerk's Office.
Rep: Morgan Hoff
Staff Rep: Kate Kroll
Request to approve the Maple Leaf Run in Riverside Park on September 30,
2023; contingent on the required approvals and issuance of all other city and
county permits, including Special Event Permit through the Clerk's Office.
Rep: KJ Newkirk
Staff Rep: Kate Kroll
Request to approve Downtown Art Market to host the Summer Art Market on
June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, 2023; contingent on the required
approvals and issuance of all other city and county permits, including Special
Event Permit through the Clerk's Office.
Rep: Robin Moses
Staff Rep: Kate Kroll
Request to approve the use of the Gateway Trails for the Women's Mountain
Bike Clinic, which charges a fee, on June 24, 2023, presented by Outdoor
Recreation Alliance.
Rep: Jillian Olson
Staff Rep: Leah Miller
Request to approve purple ribbons around trees in Riverside Park from June
9-16, 2023, for Elderly Abuse Awareness week.
Rep: Zachery Treblhorn
Staff Rep: Dan Trussoni
Request to approve the Riverland Amateur Radio Club to use Hass Park over
night on June 24-25, 2023 for Field Day; contingent on the required approvals
and issuance of all other city and county permits, including Special Event
Permit through the Clerk's Office.
Rep: Drew Neve
Staff Rep: Kate Kroll