City Hall
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
400 La Crosse Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Meeting Agenda - Final
Citizens Board of Review
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
10:00 AM
Council Chambers
Initial 2-Hour Meeting
Call to Order
Roll Call
Confirmation of appropriate Board of Review and Open Meetings Notices
Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Certification of Annual Review of Code of Ethics.
Agenda Items:
Verification of mandatory training requirement under Wis. Stat. sec. 70.46(4).
Assessor's Annual Assessment Report (AAR) and verification of Assessor's Affidavit.
Receipt of Assessment Roll and Sworn Statement from the Clerk.
Review of Assessment Roll.
Certification of error corrections by Assessor under Wis. Stat. sec 70.43.
Verification with Assessor that open book changes are included in the assessment roll.
During first two hours, consideration of:
a. Waivers of required 48-hour Notice of Intent to File an Objection when there is good
b. Requests for waiver of the Board of Review hearing allowing the property owner an
appeal direct to circuit court.
c. Requests to testify by telephone or submit sworn written statement.
d. Subpoena requests.
e. Act on any other legally allowed/required Board of Review matters.
Review Notices of Intent to File Objections.