City Hall
400 La Crosse Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
Meeting Minutes
Floodplain Advisory Committee
Thursday, August 3, 2023
4:00 PM
Grandad Room - City Hall
Virtual via Zoom
Call to Order
Committee Chair Barb Janssen called the meeting to order at 3:59 PM.
Roll Call
5 - Barb Janssen, Bill Bosshard, Mac Kiel, Tamra Dickinson,Erin Goggin
2 - Richie Schultz,Sharon Hampson
Approval of Minutes
Agenda Items:
Consideration and possible action on updated application for the
Floodplain Relief Grant program.
A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Dickinson, that this General Item be
APPROVED . The motion carried by voice vote.
FEMA Violations
Only 2 garage violations remain, but will be compliant by the end of August. The
Badger Hickey Park shelter will also be completed by the end of the year.
Levee Accreditation Update
Sarah and Woody provided some visuals from the initial draft report on the levee
feasibility study and discussed some of the recommendations laid out by Mead &
Hunt. Also learned that the La Crosse River has had a 100 year flood event 3 times
in the last 6 years, but we have never had flooding that comes close to resembling
what our maps suggest.
Committee Chair Barb Janssen adjourned the meeting at 4:39 PM.