Resolution approving Deed Restrictions for properties with garages previously
built below the floodplain on the north side of La Crosse, which violate the
current floodplain standards.
A motion was made by Janssen, seconded by Kiel, that the Resolution be
RECOMMENDED TO BE ADOPTED to the Finance & Personnel Committee. The
motion carried by the following vote:
6 - Richmond, Janssen, Bosshard, Kiel, Schultz,Hampson
1 - Neumeister
Ebner Coulee LOMR
Sarah Rafajko has verified all structures in the Ebner Coulee area and an additional 29
structures have been removed from the floodplain, affecting 33 parcels. There are 62
structures, 56 parcels that will remain in the floodplain and of those, 39 do not have
Elevation Certificates on file.
Bill Bosshard asked if the City would negotiate for the pricing of the Elevation
Certificates on behalf of the homeowner. Chair Richmond questioned whether the City
would contract or pick up the cost of the EC's. Sarah Rafajko stated after having
talked to 60 homeowners, most of these owners own their homes and do not pay for
flood insurance. None of the homeowners expressed any concern about the cost of
the EC. Council President Janssen suggested that the City continue the role of
educating homeowners at this time.
Chair Andrea Richmond adjourned at 4:32 PM.
PARTICIPATION LINK for Council Members and Department Heads and others
needing to participate:
You are invited to call Floodplain Advisory Committee on Lifesize.
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United States: +1 (877) 422-8614
Meeting extension: 9480115#
Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the
above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have
decision-making responsibility.