City Hall
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
400 La Crosse Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Meeting Minutes
Floodplain Advisory Committee
Thursday, April 7, 2022
4:00 PM
City Hall Council Chambers - Grandad Room
Call to Order
Chair Andrea Richmond called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM.
Roll Call
5 -
Andrea Richmond, Barb Janssen, Bill Bosshard, Richie Schultz,Sharon
2 - Scott Neumeister,Mac Kiel
Approval of Minutes from 2/3/2022 Meeting
A motion was made by Bosshard, seconded by Hampson, that this be ADOPT
ACTIONS BY SINGLE VOTE . The motion carried by voice vote.
2 - Neumeister,Kiel
Agenda Items:
4/7/2022 FPAC Meeting Slides
WDNR Model Ordinance - Act 175
David Reinhart suggested that we propose our pros/cons at our next meeting so the
committee can decide.
FEMA Violations
Sarah Rafajko provided an update on the latest summary turned into FEMA, where she
is requesting 5 more violations to be removed through providing more information and
also through Deed Restrictions.
Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan
Sarah Rafajko went over the presentation prepared by SEH as an update to the
progress of the Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan. The two most important takeaways from
the presentation is that our last Public Meeting will be on 4/27/22 at 4PM and that our
plan should be fully drafted by June 2022.