City Hall
City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
400 La Crosse Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Meeting Minutes
Floodplain Advisory Committee
Thursday, June 2, 2022
4:00 PM
Grandad Room - Council Chambers
Virtual via Lifesize
Call to Order
Chair Andrea Richmond called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.
Roll Call
7 -
Andrea Richmond, Scott Neumeister, Barb Janssen, Bill Bosshard, Mac
Kiel, Richie Schultz,Sharon Hampson
Approval of Minutes from May 5, 2022 Meeting
A motion was made by Hampson, seconded by Janssen, that this be ADOPT
ACTIONS BY SINGLE VOTE . The motion carried by voice vote.
Agenda Items:
Meeting Slides
FEMA Violations
Sarah Rafajko provided an update on the progress in addressing the FEMA Violations.
These are what remain:
8 Deed Restrictions
22 Flood Vents/Flood Resistant Materials
4 Basement Infill
4 Elevations
Updates from Association of State Floodplain Managers Conference May
Sarah Rafajko provided a summary of what was learned from the Association of State
Flood Managers conference. Key takeaways if we want to secure federal funding will
require addressing Nature-Based Solutions, Equity, and Climate Change.
WDNR Model Ordinance - Act 175
A motion was made that the Ordinance be RECOMMENDED TO BE NOT
ADOPTED to the Fire Prevention & Building Safety. The motion passed by the
following vote:
5 - Richmond, Janssen, Bosshard, Kiel,Schultz