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Mar, 2025

Person Name TitleStart DateEnd DateE-mailWeb SiteAppointed By
VACANCY Citizen2/8/2024      
Alyson Glenz School District Representative
Confirmed by Council 12/9/2021
12/9/2021 12/9/2024*     Mayor
Art Marson Sister City Rep. - Dubna
Confirmed by Council: 11/10/2016
11/10/2016 1/11/2027     Mayor
Chris Woodard Council Member
Confirmed by Council: 5/13/2021
5/13/2021 4/15/2025 Mayor
Dana Young Sister City Rep. - Friedberg
Confirmed by Council: 3/9/2023
3/9/2023 3/9/2026     Mayor
Irene Barmore Sister City Rep. - Epinal
Confirmed by Council: 2/13/2014
2/13/2014 10/13/2025     Mayor
Jerry Burns Sister City Rep. - Kumbo
Confirmed by Council: 7/14/2022.
7/14/2022 7/14/2025     Mayor
Karena Norton Citizen
Confirmed by Council: 2/8/2024
2/8/2024 2/8/2027     Mayor
Karolyn Bald UW-L Rep.
Confirmed by Council: 9/10/2020
9/10/2020 1/11/2027     Mayor
Lynn West Sister City Rep. - Bantry
Confirmed by Council 12/9/2021
12/9/2021 12/9/2024*     Mayor
Melissa Giefer Viterbo Rep.
Confirmed by Council: 8/8/2019, 10/14/21
8/8/2019 9/12/2024*     Mayor
Michael De Yoe Sister City Rep. - Luoyang
Confirmed by Council: 11/13/14
11/13/2014 1/11/2027     Mayor
Mindy Wiesjahn Sister City Rep. - Junglinster
Confirmed by Council: 7/14/2022
7/14/2022 7/14/2025     Mayor
Thomas Monson Sister City Rep. - Fjorde
Confirmed by Council: 8/14/2023
8/14/2023 8/10/2026     Mayor
The International Committee exists as an umbrella committee to advise the Mayor and City Council and to act as a resource on international matters, to advise and to recommend future Sister City relationships, and to coordinate activities among the La Crosse Sister City Committees. The Committee is responsible for keeping alive our locally rich and diverse cultural heritage, for raising awareness of international connections available in the La Crosse area, and for fostering positive relations with citizens in other countries. The Sister/Partner/Twinned Cities include Republic of Cameroon, Kumbo, West Africa; Epinal, France; Dubna, Russia; Luoyang, China; Friedberg, Germany; Forde, Norway; and Bantry, Ireland. Committee members shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term of three years and shall consist of no more than 14 members: One (1) Council Member and thirteen (13) members to include representatives from the sister city committees, and the remainder a balanced representation from La Crosse educational and business institutions and area citizens with an interest in global connections. Appointment to the committee shall be upon recommendation of the Committee and approval of the Common Council; residency requirements notwithstanding.