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March 2025

Mar, 2025

Person Name TitleStart DateEnd DateE-mailWeb SiteAppointed By
Brooke Pataska Police Department Rep.
Confirmed by Council: 5/11/2023
5/11/2023 5/11/2025     Mayor
Chelsey Boldon Citizen (Safe Routes to School)3/9/2023 3/9/2025*     Mayor
Grace Janssen Citizen (Healthy Living)
Confirmed by Council: 6/13/19
6/13/2019 7/13/2025     Mayor
Jeff Fennie Citizen (At-Large Rep.)
Confirmed by Council: 1/8/2015
1/8/2015 7/13/2025     Mayor
Larry Sleznikow Council Member
Confirmed by Council: 5/9/2019
5/9/2019 4/15/2025 Mayor
Randi Pueschner Non-Citizen
Confirmed by Council: 2/13/2020, 6/13/2024
3/10/2022 6/13/2026     Mayor
Robert Young Citizen (Bicycle & Ped. Advocate)
Confirmed by Council: 6/13/13
6/13/2013 7/13/2025     Mayor
Stephanie Sward City Traffic Engineer
Confirmed by council 12/9/2021
12/9/2021   Mayor
The Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee serves as an advisory body to the Common Council in implementing the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, the Comprehensive Plan (primarily the Transportation Element), and any other specific regional transportation plans. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to approval by the Council, and consist of the City Traffic Engineer, one Council Member and five citizen members - one at large representative (with interest and expertise in bicycle and pedestrian issues), one representing Safe Routes to School initiatives, one representing Healthy Living initiatives, one representing Bicycle/Pedestrian advocacy issues and one representing the City of La Crosse Police Department.