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January 2025

Jan, 2025

The purpose of the Economic and Community Development Commission is to act as an advisory body to the Common Council by implementing the Comprehensive Plan (primarily the Economic Development Element), Tax Increment District Project Plans, the Imagine 2040 Downtown Master Plan, the CDBG Action Plan, and the Consolidated Plan. The Commission shall also advise and approve the City’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocations, housing programs, the administration of the City's business assistance programs and address issues common to the City's economic vitality and viability. The Economic and Community Development Commission consists of seven members, each for a term of two years and shall consist of: the Mayor, the Council President, the Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee and four City of La Crosse residents with reputable knowledge and experience. In appointing members consideration will be given to inclusion of persons of low and moderate income. These qualifications may include people in the following areas of expertise: a. Financial Services; Local business or manufacturing representative; Realtor. b. Housing Policy; Community Needs Assessment; Non-profit social advocacy. c. Human Services; Health Care; Public Health; Public Services. Officers will be elected at the first meeting and then every two years following. The citizen members shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Common Council. No salary or compensation shall be paid to any member of said Commission for the member's services as Commissioner. The citizen members shall serve staggered terms shall be residents of the City of La Crosse. Created by Ordinance 5243, adopted 1/12/2023.