Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/10/2022 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Southside Neighborhood Center, 1300 6th St S
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-0197 1 November 2021 Financial ReportReportFinancial Report from the Interim Director of Finance for the month of November 2021.RECEIVED AND FILEDPass Action details Not available
22-0202 1 Discussion on Senior ProgrammingStatus UpdateDiscussion and update on Senior Programming. (Note: The Committee and/or Council may convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. 19.85(1)(e) to formulate & update negotiation strategies and parameters. Following such closed session, the Committees and/or Council may reconvene in open session.)NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
22-0196 2 February 2022 Bills and EstimatesResolutionResolution approving 2021/2022 Bills and Engineering Estimates paid in February 2022.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0194 1 Mayor's Feb AppointmentsAppointmentCity Plan Commission: Nabamita Dutta. Ethics Board: Matthew Bersagel Braley. Human Rights Commission: Kristin Lettner.CONFIRMEDPass Action details Not available
22-0010 1 Report of Bids 10th & Cass Lighting Addition ProjectResolutionReport of Bids & Resolution awarding contract to Poellinger Electric, Inc. for the 10th & Cass Lighting Addition Project in the amount of $55,856.44.NO ACTION TAKEN  Action details Not available
22-0064 1 Report of Bids - Weigent Park ShelterResolutionReport of Bids & Resolution awarding contract to Americon for the Weigent Park Shelter Project Re-Bid in the amount of $576,000.00.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0069 1 10th & Cass Lighting Addition ProjectResolutionReport of Bids & Resolution awarding contract to Poellinger Electric, Inc. for the 10th & Cass Lighting Addition Project in the amount of $55,856.44.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0070 1 2022 Pedestrian Lighting Gillette St & Onalaska AveResolutionReport of Bids & Resolution awarding contract to Poellinger Electric, Inc. for the 2022 Pedestrian Lighting (Gillette St & Onalaska Ave) Project in the amount of $547,650.68.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0071 1 Green Bay Sidewalk & Curb Ramp ReplacementResolutionReport of Bids & Resolution awarding contract to Fowler & Hammer, Inc. for the Green Bay Sidewalk and Curb Ramp Replacement Project in the amount of $48,085.00.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0073 1 Historic U.S. Fish Control Lab Building RehabilitationReport of BidsReport of Bids for the Historic U.S. Fish Control Lab Building Rehabilitation Project - Phase 2 Re-Bid.REJECTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0187 1 GRAEF Comp Plan ContractResolutionResolution approving the comprehensive plan writing contract with GRAEF.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0195 1 Interim director of FinanceResolutionResolution authorizing the appointment of Brian Nowicki as interim Director of Finance/Treasurer.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0037 1 CDBG 2022 Action PlanResolutionResolution authorizing 2022 Action Plan and funding allocation in connection with CDBG and HOME programs.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
22-0019 1 Meyer Property Annexation from MedaryOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE to annex a parcel of land from the Town of Medary to the City of La Crosse (Meyer - Sunset Court).ADOPTED  Action details Not available
21-1697 1 9th Street Alley Vacation - between Main & KingResolutionResolution approving the partial alley vacation on 9th Street between Main Street and King Street.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
21-1736 1 CSM - Meyer Town of MedaryResolutionResolution approving Certified Survey Map - Part of Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map Volume 2 Page 92 Document #933278. Located in Government Lots 5 and 6, Section 21, T16N, R7W, Town of Medary and the City of La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0058 1 Airport Concessions Rent Relief Airport Rescue GrantResolutionResolution authorizing the La Crosse Regional Airport to accept Federal funds under a Concessions Rent Relief Airport Rescue Grant.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0067 1 2022 Capital Equipment Budget Forest Hills Golf Course.ResolutionResolution reallocating 2022 Capital Equipment Budget fund for equipment at Forest Hills Golf Course.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0074 2 Emergency Operations PlanResolutionResolution adopting the City of La Crosse Emergency Operations Plan.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0082 1 Surplus Land Declaration: 717 Wall StResolutionResolution declaring certain property located at 717 Wall Street (parcel #17-10006-90) as surplus property.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0088 1 special assessment Sanitary Sewer Main and Laterals 1800 block of Denton StResolutionResolution authorizing public improvement and levying special assessment against benefited property in La Crosse, WI for Sanitary Sewer Main and Laterals 1800 block of Denton Street.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0093 1 WWTP CWF Loan BondResolutionAmended Resolution providing for the issuance and sale of up to $68,755,000 aggregate principal amount of Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2022, of the City of La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, providing details and covenants with respect thereto, prescribing the form of bond, and providing for the payment of said bonds.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0095 1 La Crosse River Marsh Lead Contamination Project ARPAResolutionResolution appropriating funds for the La Crosse River Marsh Lead Contamination Project. (Note: The Committee and/or Common Council may convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. sec. 19.85(1)(e) to consider the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Following any closed session, the Committee and/or Council may reconvene in open session.)ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0096 1 Flood Plain Deed Restrictions - North sideResolutionResolution approving Deed Restrictions for properties with garages previously built below the floodplain on the north side of La Crosse, which violate the current floodplain standards.ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0126 1 Various Licenses - 2021-22 (February)ResolutionResolution granting various license applications pursuant to Chapters 4, 6, and/or 10 of the La Crosse Municipal Code for the license period 2021-2022 (February).ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0150 1 STFL for neighborhood improvement projectsResolutionResolution approving Application for State Trust Fund Loan for the purpose of financing neighborhood improvement projects ($650,000.00).ADOPTED  Action details Not available
22-0151 1 STFL for floodplain and energy efficiency projectsResolutionResolution approving Application for State Trust Fund Loan for the purpose of financing floodplain and energy efficiency projects ($470,200.00).ADOPTED  Action details Not available
21-1689 1 Rezoning - 703 Farnam StOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE to amend Subsection 115-110 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Crosse transferring certain property from the Traditional Neighborhood Development District - Specific to the Traditional Neighborhood Development District - Specific allowing for the conversion of first floor retail/commercial area to four residential units at 703 Farnam St.REFERRED  Action details Not available
22-0018 1 Petition - Meyer property annexationReportPetition for Direct Annexation by Unanimous Approval pursuant to Sec. 66.0217(2), Wis. Stats. of land from the Town of Medary to the City of La Crosse (1.02 Acres of land off of Sunset Court - Meyer property).ACCEPTED AND FILED  Action details Not available